Baby Boomer

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Baby Boomer Decisions towards Cars

Baby Boomer Decisions towards Cars


The term Baby boomer is used to describe group of people born during the baby boom, which occurred in some common law countries in the period after the Second World War, between 1946 and early 1960's. By the end of World War II, several nations including the United Kingdom, United States, Canada, Australia and New Zealand went through an unusual growth in birth rates, an event which is known as "baby boom." In the above mentioned countries, the term is also used to refer to that generation. (Reno 2005, 169)


The names "baby boomer" and "baby boom" besides other expressions are also used in nations which have demographics that do not reflect the growth in American families over the same interval.

American children born between 1945 and 1964, constitutes a number of seventy-six million which represents a group, having significance due to its size. Statistics of 2004 indicates that in the UK, 80% of the wealth was in possession of the baby boomers, bought 80% of the whole categories of the cars, 80% of the cruises and 50% of the skin care products. (Kingson 2001, 369)

The generation from the baby boom has mostly found it difficult to manage their time and money due to a problem that other generations have had. It is found that the Baby Boomer parents live longer lives; their children look for better and higher education, and want to have children of their own in their later lives. It is due to this reason that the boomers have overlapped between generations. The term "generation sandwich, was given to the baby boomers in the 1980, who must take care and look after their aging parents and their children at the same time.

The boomer generation has contributed in the expansion of the individual freedom. The civil rights movement has mostly been associated with the Boomers. Furthermore, the feminist cause of the 1970's, the rights of homosexuals, the disabled, and the right to privacy. (Kingson 1996, 57)

However, the baby boomers are also known for their control and influence over the monetary policy, leaders who have deteriorated the quality of life for workers from the future generations, reducing their salaries for the interest of their businesses, generating profits at the expense of employees, creating difficulties for job seekers from generation X, Y and Z to find appropriate jobs, and creating a fortress of fortune for themselves by creating hindrances for others. (Holtz 2005, 50)


The 78 million baby boomers born between 1946 and 1964 make up the largest demographic group in the United Sates. Because of their numbers and the fact that many are in their peak earning years, boomers have a lot of buying power and are an influential consumer segment. Although boomers are a diverse group, they share many common experiences of the 1960s and 1970s, when they grew up. Boomers strongly value individualism and want the freedom to do what they want, when and where they want. Most boomers grew up with TV and as they get older, tend to watch it ...
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