Babylon Revisited Alcohol Theme

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Babylon Revisited Alcohol Theme

Babylon Revisited Alcohol Theme


In F. Scott Fitzgerald's "Babylon Revisited," the protagonist Charlie Wales has come to Paris to try to get custody of his daughter Honoria from his late wife's sister Marion, to whom the progeny was entrusted after Charlie dropped apart some years before. In alignment to get Honoria back, he desires to present a facade of being much more steady than he really is; but he is fully cognizant of the divide between the fantasy he has conceived and the truth he lives.It is natural that in returning to a location where one has once dwelled, one should revisit well known haunts, and Charlie expends the first view of the article in a bar. From this we learn that Charlie has had a problem with alcohol (Baker, Carlos, 1992), and that this is a situation all too common in his social circle. It is through Charlie, and his recount of his world, that we arrive to realise the miserable dissipation of his life. The unfastening paragraphs establish that he has been away for a while, and much has changed. He recounts what his old haunts are like now, alluding to the detail that the bar used to be busier; that numerous of his associates have gone away, or gone to the dogs, or gotten ill; that no one has the kind of disposable earnings that they utilised to; that he utilised to drink excessively, but has well controlled himself to one drink a day. We see that Charlie is sincerely trying to re-invent himself, and we think he deserves a chance (Baker, 1992).


Babylon Revisited is made up of distinct individual features with distinct ideologies in life. The Protagonist, Charlie is a restructured alcohol-dependent who had come back to take his daughter. Marion is Charlie's sister- in - regulation who dislikes him because she conceives he initiated her sister's death. Ithink Marion is strongly felt disturbed. She overacts to things that occur in everyday life. Lincoln is Marion's married man .He endeavours to hold things as even as likely for Marion. Loraine and Duncan are ghosts from Charlie's past and they came to haunt him at the end of the story (Bruccoli, 1981).

One will not read Fitzgerald's most renowned and accepted work Babylon Revisited without a consciousness of empathy that arrives with participating in a personal tragedy- universalized in this sublime work. Fitzgerald wrote the article with the depth that arrives with writer's personal turmoil and tragedy. The article is intensely touching. The story is about a man who earns fortune, loses everything, including wife and a daughter, and is reduced to penury drowned in alcoholism. The rich man determines to put together the lost pieces of life, once again (Baker, 1982).

The bull market of 1920s dramatically created millionaires out of ordinary men. Charlie Wales was one of them, who no longer needed an ordinary job. Charlie moves to Paris with his wife Helen to enjoy life that ...
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