Barbary Wars

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Barbary Wars

Barbary Wars


Barbary Wars, a series of mostly naval conflicts between the United States and the Barbary states (Morocco, Algiers, Tripoli, and Tunis), along the coast of North Africa. The Barbary nations had long plagued American and European shipping in the Mediterranean Sea through acts of piracy, taking advantage of the United State's lack of naval vessels. The war broke out with Tripoli and, later, Algiers only after the United States realized the need for a navy and began to acquire the ships and ports to support this enterprise.


United States Navy (1794)

The founding of the United States Navy occurred when President George Washington signed the Act to Provide Naval Armament (March 27, 1794). Te justification was attacks in American shipping by the Barbary Pirates. The Federalists wanted a Navy to protect American merchant shipping, much of it operated from New England and to protect affronts to the hnor of the new nation (Tucker, 1963, pp 23-181). The Republicans saw a standing military as a threat to the Republic had were opposed to the very substantial outlays which they saw farmers having to pat to finance the investments of wealthy merchants. Later after the signing of the Jay Treaty reduced incidents with the British, French depredations on American shipping emerged as the major threat to American commerce. This further heightened the Federalist/Republican split because of ideological differences in the French Revolution. After an extended debate, Congress authorized nearly $0.7 million to build or purchase six frigates. This was an enormous sum at the time for the new American Republic. Building and outfitting the ships was an enormous undertaking and it would be 4 years before the first of the frigates were ready for service. The time America was at peace, although being provoked at sea by both the French and British. The frigates were enormous tourist attractions in the United States with guards even charging admission which they apparently used to buy liquor (Toll 2006, 23-45).

A Treaty with Algiers temporarily reduced the immediate needs for the frigates. The Republicans pressed to cancel the frigate project. President Adams championed the cause of the frigates and is thus seen as the father of the U.S. Navy. A compromise was reached to finish the first three. The incendiary XYZ Affair (1798) eventually convinced Congress to finish the remaining three and outfit a number of smaller ships. These six frigates would go on to play an important role in the early history of the Republic. The infinitely impetus was to deal with the Barbary Pirates, but they were first employed in the Quasi War with France. Ironically although Republican leaders Jefferson and Madison led the fight against the frigates, as president they would make the greatest use of them (Roberts et al, 2008, pp 90-121).

Marine Corps history

America while still a part of the British Empire developed one of the largest merchant fleets in the world. And as British colonies, they sailed under the Union Jack and the protection of the ...
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