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Beowulf is a literary masterpiece and is one of the most important works from the Anglo-Saxon literature to date. It is the highest achievement of old English literature that covers the events that took place in the early sixth century. An Anonymous poet first wrote the composition. Later, many others translated it into different languages. It would be justified to say here that none of the later translations presented the hero as well as the first ever poem presents him. The epic hero Beowulf did whatever was necessary to achieve the sole purpose of his life: gaining fame, fate and destiny. He is honored as the great hero of his nation.


Beowulf is a great and mighty giant. He is the Geat's hero. He fights three battles and is victorious in all three of them (Gang, p. 52). In the final battle, although, he gets wounded and the wounds lead to his death but that too gives him a lot of fame among the Geats. He is able to traverse considerable distances by sea and fights against all odds. He is brave and his bravery comes to light in the various events that unfold throughout his life. He gets it from his family. His family was full of remarkable people. His father was a great warrior and his cousin is the king of the Geats but Beowulf is different. His will is more profound than any possessed by his other male family members (Lawall, p. 126).

He accomplished the impossible. He was a man who strongly believed in fate and destiny. Beowulf amazingly had an unshakable belief in fate. He said the lord was with him. He was gifted with Lord's High favor and powered by his immense and unmatched physical strength. He was a man who could fight humans and inhuman ...
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