Binge Drinking

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Peer Education and Binge Drinking

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Peer Education and Binge Drinking


In the peer education teenagers are more and fully aware of the drinking standards. Usually the teenagers between the age group of 15 to 25 are habitual of taking fewer than 8 glasses per week but if the person is taking 6 glasses or more then he is considered as heavy drinker. Among the major effects of peer education is that the group of peer education don't receive much feedback from their peers in order to reduce the binge drinking. The level of the feedback is quite low. From the gender point of view, the main effect is that the boys received from feedback as compared to girls to lessen the binge drinking. So this effect indicates that the girls more look upon the behavior and actions of their friends that are binge drinker that is they usually take 6 or more glasses of alcoholic beverages each day. While doing comparison, the youngsters in the peer education accounted that reasonable use of alcohol is low self effective. Among boys the self effectiveness to moderate use of alcohol and to oppose attraction is lower as compared to girls (Audrey, S., Holliday, J., & Campbell, R, 2006, 320-334.).

Increasingly, all students and young adults are simply "to give the edge". This so-called binge drinking or drinking weekend is known as "binge drinking" and is characterized by a short-term, excessive alcohol intake. The Robert Koch Institute, in his book "Contributions to Federal Health Monitoring. What we eat today?" suggests that almost a quarter of all 18 - to 24-year-old men drink and more than a tenth of the same age too much alcohol. At the same time increase the risk for alcohol-related accidents, violence and suicide (Audrey, S., Holliday, J., & Campbell, R, 2006, 320-334.). About nine per cent of 16 to drink - to 17-year-olds over four percent of adolescents in this age group can be regarded as alcohol dependent. In addition, often get the simultaneous ingestion of other drugs such as marijuana or ecstasy. The World Health Organization (WHO) has also Data collected in different European countries. Then about one-third of the 15-year-olds were drunk at least twice in their lives. The consequences of high alcohol consumption among adolescents and young adults are far reaching. Doctors warn against disruption of brain development: "The brain structures that are responsible for learning, are young people drinking at ten percent less than non-drinking." As a result, suffered from performance and learning ability (Van de Hoef, P, Lemmers, L., Knibbe, R.A, 200, 41-52).

In the peer education 10 minute practice is used in order to evaluate the knowledge about the alcohol use with 10 questions. While doing comparison between usual youngsters group and the peer education group, it is revealed that peer education group has more knowledge about the outcomes and risks associated with alcohol use. Teenagers through peer education get aware about the time that liver requires in order to remove alcohol from the bloodstream ...
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