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An Inconvenient Truth

Book Review: An Inconvenient Truth


"An Inconvenient Truth" by Al Gore, is a documentary that tells us about Global Warming. As he tells us, Global Warming involves solar radiation, in the form of light waves, passing through the atmosphere. Most of this radiation is absorbed by the Earth and warms it. Then some of the energy is radiated back into space, by the Earth, in the form of infrared waves. However during this process, some of the outgoing infrared radiation is trapped by the Earth's atmosphere and warms it; which in return keeps the temperature at a livable and somewhat constant level. However, the atmospheric layer is now being thickened by the harmful pollution and because of that more of the infrared waves are being trapped and are now warming more worldwide (


Throughout the documentary Gore is targeting the people who want to know about global warming and those who need to make a change in order to stop the current, unrealized harm that global warming is causing. This is analyzed by the way he does his presentation. He performs his presentation in front of a live audience, an audience who is diverse. Diverse in the way that he has presented this slide show in many diverse places such as Aspen, Portland, London, Vienna, Italy, Spain, China, and South Korea just to name a few, and with males and females of every age. Gore also presents this slide show to people who want to know more about the situation. Which in return, we can assume that if the audience is attending his presentation, then they have little or no knowledge about the situation at hand and it is highly likely that they have not done much of anything in order to prevent global warming from becoming ...
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