Brazilian Sociology

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Brazilian Sociology

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Table of Contents



Brazilian sociological culture and behaviors5

Racial and ethnic struggles in Brazil6

Ethnic inequality6

Ethnic stratification6

Tools of dominance7

Patterns of ethnic relations7

Building a new society8

Brazil v the United States8



Brazilian Sociology


The Brazilian society has been characterized by racial and ethnic discrimination. The Brazilians have mostly discriminated against the blacks in contrast to other colors. Still, there are other societal subgroups in Brazilian society, such as the religious subgroups of Catholics and Muslims. The Brazilian society of today is quite mixed in racial and ethnic relations. There is the existence of prejudice and discrimination as well as sporadic racial violence. However, the contemporary Brazil is also a pluralist society which favors diversity. Still, it has a very long way to go before it is able to define the various lines demarcating the social and racial groups that allow the various subgroups to live in perpetual peace and harmony.


The study of sociology aims to look into the development of society. The sociology of Brazil is well-documented. The society of Brazil is characterized by multiple ethnicities. These ethnicities emerge from both colors of the races as well as from their geographical origins. In this way, we have white, black, and brown in the Brazilian society. In addition, we also have people who originated from Portugal or from Africa. Hence, Brazil is essentially a pluralistic and multi-ethnic society. However, where there are multiple ethnicities then one is also concerned with the treatment of those ethnicities as well as of the normally discriminated-against races or ethnicities of the society. However, we find that the Brazilian society is also segmented along the religious lines. These varied religions have been brought by these various ethnic and racial subgroups in the societies. Consequently, the religions range from Catholics, to the Muslims. Additionally, Brazil was also once characterized by racial violence. Furthermore, this racial violence and ethnicity also took the form of religious ethnicity and discrimination. However, still, the color is the foremost discriminator of race and religion or ethnicity in Brazil. Therefore, it is mostly the black versus the non-black in Brazil, rather than any other form of racial or religious prejudice and ethnicity.

The history of Brazil is full of occurrences that were racially charged. Most of these racial populations moved between 1872 and 1930. They mostly came for Portugal and Africa. However, the Brazilian community did not allow them to thrive as separate communities. Rather they were mostly integrated into the society. Still, they were discriminated against on the basis of ethnicity and on their status of the migrant or the immigrant.

Brazilian sociological culture and behaviors

The Brazilian society is multiethnic. The various ethnicities include those that are white, blacks, browns, and others, including those who originated from Spain and speak the Spanish. However, the racial lines have also been drawn on the basis of religion. These religions were brought about by the people who migrated here. Therefore, these religions ranged from Catholics to Muslims. Still, these racial demarcations also suggest the presence of distinct cultures in ...
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