Brief Psychodynamic Theories

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Brief Psychodynamic Theories

Brief Psychodynamic Theories


The name of any theory helps us connect meaning to the procedure, but this dub says more than most.  The prefix psycho- mechanism "mind", and the suffix -dynamic mechanism "action" This literally is the research of the acts of the mind.  Sometimes we don't perceive our brain as an active officer in the experiences of our exists, but proponents of this theory educate ourselves that the brain not merely dramas a significant and active role in everything we do consciously, it also has a important role in objects we do unconsciously (Salkind 2004:21).



This theory arose with Sigmund Freud, and has been extended upon and adjusted via Carl Jung, Alfred Adler, Erik Erikson, Helene Deutsch, Karen Horney, and Eric Berne.  It is sometimes paged "the grandfather of theorys", because it is the first organized way of researching the acts of the brain, and all other theorys owe several designs and morals to this theory.  Even though the ancient Egyptians and Greeks speculated on the brain as an active officer in exists, Freud and the other psychodynamic theorists were the first to explore the process in a systematic and scientific way. 

Some initial terms related with this theory are: Inner Conflict, Unconscious Mind, Defense Mechanism, Transference, Repression, Sublimation, Analysis, Free Association, Projective Testing, Dream Analysis, and Case Study.

The majority fundamental theory at the heart of psychodynamics is that your personality and motivations are based on the interactions between three elements of your brain that were first diagnosed via Freud.  The Id is a childish aspect of us that hopes merely pair things: Sensual Gratification (this is enjoyment for any of our 5 senses) and Aggression Release.  Early in exists, these pair needs occupy majority of our sensations.  We are joyous as shortly as we obtain to ...
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