Bromance Between Men And Women

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Bromance between Men and Women


In light of new trends, what they live is a bromance, a term that comes from the mixture of the words brother (brother) and romance. It was coined two decades ago in the United States between the skaters to name those who were inseparable companions, but a couple of years it became fashionable in the mass media of that country. Merriam Webster the dictionary, which included the word on the issue last year, a bromance is a close non-sexual men. Urbandictionary The online dictionary defines it as the show of affection between two heterosexual men.

Is it just a new term for the old friendship between two individuals? The answer is yes and no. While almost all men go out with friends playing football or meet women almost never touch on aspects of their private lives in these circumstances. The 'brománticos' do. And not just like dating but when they do have meaningful conversations in the heat of a beer, embrace and even cry. "The depth of the relationship is the difference," says psychologist Semana Jim Taylor.

The best-known exponents of the phenomenon are George Clooney and Brad Pitt, who did not hide their affection in public: the admiring glances that intersect the two actors in the award ceremonies, exchanging warm hugs and constant jokes, all without who feel that this threatening his manhood. Not surprisingly the gossip magazines say this is the more stable relationship that has never had Clooney, who at 50 is the Hollywood's Most Eligible Bachelor. And television and movies have recognized this trend. Joey and Chandler, characters from the show Friends, are examples of such new men now give themselves permission to have more intense relationships between them. The same goes for Frodo Baggins and Samwise Gamgee, characters from The Lord of the Rings. But according to experts consulted, the best examples of bromance are Paul Rudd and Jason Segel, star of the movie I love you man, about a man looking for a sponsor for your wedding (Dietz, pp. 1).

Bromance between Men and Women

Essential element of homosocial space of the two texts is the traffic of the subjects (Objects) female by the male subjects. Male subjects performed including power transactions, verbal agreements or economic nature is characteristic of the patriarchal system. In this regard, although in a larger context, Gayle Rubin commented that patriarchal heterosexuality is seen especially in "traffic women, "ie, in the conception of women as mere property as interchangeable through relationships between men. For her part, Luce Irigaray in "When the Goods Get Together" notes that the Homosexuality is the law governing the sociocultural order. While heterosexuality has to do with the distribution of roles in the economy, in this patriarchal framework, the female sexuality is defined from the male - as in Freud's theory - and is central to the system configuration genders. Within that system, women learn to leave and manipulate their sexual power from behind the scenes, ie, learn to use their attributes to get ...