Bronfenbrenner's Ecological Theory Of Development

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Bronfenbrenner's ecological theory of development

Bronfenbrenner's ecological theory of development


Bronfenbrenner, American psychologist, developed the theory of ecological systems to examine and explain the development of the child. Bronfenbrenner's theory explains that there are certain cultural and social factors in the immediate environment of a child affect child development and experience. In the immediate vicinity of the child, there are many levels, or systems that can affect and influence the development of children.

Bronfenbrenner's ecological theory of development

There are five systems in Bronfenbrenner suggested his theory of child development. The first system in ecological theory is the micro system, which is the layer closest to the child. The microphone system is the immediate environment in which the child lives in an immediate interaction with the child is part of micro system, such as schools, daycare and family and peers. This relationship can certainly influence the development of a child psychologically, (Berger, 1998), so organic, or that a child develops, the child is very sensitive to their immediate environment and interaction in the system microphone. The ways in which a child is treated in the microwave system and also how the child reacting factors are also important in the micro system.

The second system is the meso, which is a system that consists of links between microsystems. One example involves the possible link between the immediate environment of the child from school and home. More specifically, the connection with the school children and the house is a parent-teacher meeting or a conference at which the child is involved in. (Berk, 2005)

The third system in Bronfenbrenner's theory of child development is the exosystem, which includes other places or people that indirectly influence the development of a child. One of the most common examples of an exoskeleton is the workplace of the parents of the child. Even if the child is not very likely interacting in the workplace for parents, there are several factors that may affect child development. A bad day at work, like being fired, can negatively affect the attitude of parents towards children. With the stress of paying bills and be debt, parents are more likely to stress or anger towards his son, who will have a negative impact on development. Similarly, a father who receives a salary increase most likely to treat the child much better, such as buying toys for your child and others. This will be a positive influence on children's development, even if the child does not interact directly with the exosystem, or workplace of the parents. (Berk, 2005)

The next system in Bronfenbrenner's ecological theory is the macrosystem, which includes the cultural context of people or things that are totally remote to the immediate environment of the child. However, there remains a great influence on child development. These examples, like the economy, wars, and the laws of distance can influence the development of the child, either positively or negatively.

This system is chronosystem, which involves biological changes in children, or changes in the external environment of the ...
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