Business Law

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Business Law

Business Law


The legal system operates based on an unwritten constitution, drawn from the norms of statutory law, the most important among them is the Habeas Corpus Act of 1679, the Bill of Rights 1689, Act of Succession 1701, Act of Parliament in 1911 and 1949, common law, and the rules of a constitutional convention. In law, a contract is an agreement between two or more persons intended to create a legal (and legally enforceable) obligation between them. Contracts can be express, as when promises are uttered and exchanged. Alternatively, they may be implied, as when two parties act in full knowledge of each other's aims and behavior, at least one party knowing that the other is doing what he does only on the assumption of a return, which he has been led to expect(Geyer, 2010).

Business law governs the activities of the corporations at large. It incorporates certain legally accepted practices, which have to be followed by every company that is registered under the law. This paper examines the consequences of business law in case a contract is violated. This law discusses the damages available to the injured party in case of non performance of obligations under the contract. Lastly it discusses the implications of self employment and its obligations on the company that is hiring employees under the subject of self employment. It also determines the rights of independent persons.

In accordance with the Heads of the Civil Code, the sale of goods within the framework of a mediation agreement (commission, committee or agency), the mediator can be either on its own behalf or behalf of the owner of the goods, but always acts in its interests and at his expense. Ownership of the goods received from the owner of the goods (the principal, the principal or principal) is not transferred to the mediator, and immediately transferred to a third party (the buyer of goods) at the time of the transaction concluded with a third-party mediator. In addition, when intermediary contractually obliged to a transaction made with a third person, it is an intermediary, the exception is only a contract of the agency, or agency agreement, in which the agent acts on behalf of the principal (Mersky, 2002).Discussion

The main feature of this method of sale of goods acts as the fact that the organization of trade time of the acquisition of goods and the time of its sale of its purchaser the same time. The fact that the sale of goods in transit Seller acts as a link between the supplier of the goods and the final buyer, often a transit sale equates to a transaction made in the mediation agreement. However, this view is erroneous and leads to the incorrect recording transactions in accounting and, accordingly, to an incorrect calculation of taxes (David, 2002).Legal Issue

Company 'A' using both the Convention on International Sale of Goods (CISG) and Sale of Goods (SOGA) provisions.Relevant Laws

Civil law

In civil and commercial law, many institutions are now regulated by law instruments, which were adopted, at the end of the 21st ...
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