Business Leaders

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Characteristics of Business Leaders


In this paper, we focus on the Steven job, Apple Computer leader who make an impact on their company and often on the world of business. Through their philosophies, actions and businesses they lead. The paper highlights the leader primary business, explaining how the leader got started and analyzing the leader's three major business challenges in running the company. The paper discusses Steven Job leadership style and how he has adopted to cultural differences and how he operates the business effectively in global market. The paper explains Steven Job leadership theory of business leadership, management and methods for motivating individual and group behavior. The paper also discussed about how the Steven Job impact the world through his vision. In last paper concludes with the overall discussion.

Characteristics of Business Leaders


On a group, or organizational level, leadership is important for sustainability and long-term success; leadership contributes to innovative thinking and new ways of operating and thriving in an ever-changing and complex world. On a larger, societal level, leadership is needed for creating a better, more just world. Leadership goes beyond serving one's needs, and its service-oriented nature lends it to creating positive change, which is needed for the sustain-ability of humanity and the environment.

Leadership relates to these three contexts (individual, group, societal), which are, in fact nested and interconnected, whereby what happens on an individual level influences the group and societal levels, what happens on a group level influences the individuals and the larger society, and leadership and change in a societal level influences individuals and groups. Steven job, Apple Computer leader who make an impact on their company and often on the world of business.


This research is going to utilize the qualitative method of research. The data in the study has been collected through both a primary and secondary methodology and both have been used to perform the investigation. The secondary analysis has also been done through researching, studying and reproducing the literature from various articles, journals, cases and available literature.


Steven Job Business as a Leader

Steve Jobs has taught the world about leadership and dreaming big. He dared to dream bigger over and over again even after facing failures and hindrances. Each time he has introduced the most innovative and original technologies to the world. He faced all the impossible challenges and emerged from them even more successful than before. He has led his company and his team to victory after victory.

Steven Job started

Recently the Fortune Magazine named Steve Jobs as the CEO of the decade. The magazine pointed out that Steve Jobs, during the past ten tears, restructured four of the chief industries: cell phones, music, computing and movies. The article said that during one's career, the remaking of even one of the industry is a major accomplishment. However the restructuring of not one but four major industries is an outstanding achievement (Burrows 2006).

Three major business challenges in establishing and running the economy

The success of Steve Job can be credited to his strong leadership ...
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