Business To Business Marketing

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Business to Business Marketing


B2B (business to business), also known as E-business is the exchange of goods, services or information between businesses rather than between businesses and consumers. Although early interest centered on the growth of Internet retailing, forecasts that B2B revenue will far exceed business-to-consumer (B2C) revenue in the near future. According to studies published in early 2000, the amount of money greater than that of B2B e-queue of 10 to 1. In the next five years, B2B is expected that the compound annual growth of 41%. Gartner Group estimates B2B revenue worldwide to $ 7.29 trillion U.S. dollars in 2004. In early 2000, investment in B2B by venture capitalists is reported to accelerate significantly, although profitable B2B sites were not yet available. (Kumar, 2003, pp. 23-47)

B2B can be done in several ways. Traditional methods of lead generation, such as direct mail and telemarketing are used in limited capacity, whereas strategies like presentations and advertising in trade publications are more common.

Fair with the specific aim to help companies find other compatible businesses. It is important that the company put in a stellar presentation, if they expect to receive some benefit from the fairgrounds. The cost pressure has caused industry to think about more efficient ways to conduct market research.

For many years the industry has been creative in finding cheaper ways to collect data from face to face interview is universally used until 1970, then quickly switch to telephone interviews and, eventually covering the research lines. These movements are sometimes at the expense of depth, but the result is that today an overview of the market value of the third (in real money) than it was 30 years ago. This means that market research is now much more accessible to a wide range of different sizes of companies and decision makers. (Arkin, 2002, Pp. 42-48)

Consumption of market research for B2B as a share of GDP is much higher in the United States and the United Kingdom than in mostly other countries. Likewise, the world reaches the United States in their consumption of cola drinks, so the rest of the world increases spending on market research. We see evidence of this in a fast-growing market research in developing countries. (Pogliani, 2005 Pp. 32-37)


It is important that organizations find other companies to do business. Business to business sales are commonly known as B2B sales. These sales are vital to the profits of many companies and their position in the industry. There are many examples of the importance of good business lead generation to business. Many companies require manufacturing companies to provide them with different parts. It is important that producers are set by the parties with compatible manufacturers in order to benefit both companies. Another example would be a financial company in need of computers. Generating business to business leads to help them choose the best suppliers to meet your needs. (Slominski, 2001, pp. 401-437)

Many companies that are able to keep abreast of business-to-business ...
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