California Racism

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California Racism

California Racism


The population of California is one of the most diverse and complex anywhere in the world. No other developed region the size of California has sustained such rapid and large population growth over the past several decades. California has one of the most ethnically diverse populations in the world. The current generation of school children is the first in which Hispanics, Asians, African Americans, and mixed-raced children together outnumber whites from the earliest times California has been a place which offers opportunity. (Angels 2008)The possibility of finding a better place to live, an abundance of food, a good climate, and the possibility of achieving great wealth brought people to California. Many living here today came during their own lifetime, while others are children, grandchildren or great-grandchildren of those who came many years ago. Still others are the descendants of the first people. In this tour begin by asking the students why their families came to California.


Californians in the 20th century have come seeking their dream of making a fortune, having a home of their own or being able to find work. Most of California's population growth in the past few decades has occurred among the Hispanic and Asian populations of the state. As recently as 1970, almost 80 percent of the state's residents were white non-Hispanics. By 1998, only 52 percent of the state's residents were white non-Hispanics, Hispanics accounted for 30 percent of the state's population,Asians for 11 percent, and African Americans for 7 percent. Chinese are the most concentrated Asian group. Filipinos have consistently been more dispersed throughout the state than the Japanese and Chinese. Racial discrimination also poses problems for a substantial part of the Mexican-American population. Mexicans are of course a racially diverse group, containing a large proportion of racially mixed individuals, whose appearance shows traces of Indian and European ancestries with perhaps some African thrown in, and also a large number of individuals of Indian phenotype. The racial discrimination to which Mexicans with Indian features and skin coloring are exposed is not as well documented as that confronting African Americans. (Weber 1972) Projections for the future suggest that strong growth among California's Hispanic and Asian populations will continue in the 21st century. Whites in California are the least concentrated group geographically, and African Americans are the most concentrated of all racial and ethnic groups. They have also come for the benefit of having a warm and hospitable climate in which to enjoy recreational pursuits. They have often come seeking freedom of expression or to follow a particular creed or ideal. Many have come to join others of their same ethnic or sexual preference background who have established communities here. They came because of the depression, WWII and to work in expanding job opportunities in Aerospace, high-technology and agriculture. They also came to Hollywood to be "discovered". Some came seeking a simple life escaping political turmoil in their homelands. Los Angeles is a city of dreams, fashion, and ...
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