California Redevelopment Association

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California Redevelopment Association


California redevelopment association is an association that works for the development of the society and the region through the initiation of different kinds of projects


Blight is state or condition being blighted. This in turn means that the progress of certain aspect or thing is prevented due to certain specific reason. In this case, the California redevelopment association deals with the difference aspects in the society that have been prevented from growth and also works towards the development and growth of the region of California. The basic purpose and works that the California redevelopment association is dealing with include the structural development of the region, including starting of different kinds of projects like, construction etc. In this case special powers have been given to the association for eradicating blighted conditions in urban areas (Watanabe, et al., pp. 31-39).

The powers

The Californian land-use planning systems have reflected the distribution of power in their respective societies. The powers that have been given to the association include - eminent domain, tax increment financing, and ability to assemble and sell property etc. Even the radical post-war Labor government in Britain was unable to establish a planning system with significant progressive redistributions of the costs and benefits derived from the uses of land and buildings. It is hardly likely therefore that the more conservative parties in California would even seek to establish such a system.

In the meantime, it is no good expecting powerful property owners to establish a socially progressive system of land-use planning. It would not be in their interests. They have most access to the institutions that take such decisions. Therefore, other things remaining equal, the land-use planning systems in California will continue to reflect the distributions of power in their respective societies (Gudde, et al., pp. 59-60).


Government has an important role to play in the redevelopment of any society. The war-time coalition government drawn from all parties was receptive to the idea of planning for two main reasons. The first of these was the recent experience of the economic collapse and depression during the late 1920s and early 1930s. This combined with wartime production needs gave rise to ideas for and an acceptance of the need for economic planning. The second reason was the need to provide a morale-boosting vision of post-war society. Ideas for economic and land-use planning were developed, along with other aspects of a 'welfare state', as part of this vision. This is the reason that government has an important role in the redevelopment of any society as the associations might develop certain plans that can be really effective but for its implementation, support from the government is essential (Elstein, pp. 34-41).


The importance of the California redevelopment association cannot be overlooked as it is playing an essential role in the development of the society, as well as in the development of the lifestyle of the people living in the society through the initiation of different new projects. Moreover, in times of crisis, it can have an essential role in dealing ...