Cardiovascular Disease

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Cardiovascular Disease and Nursing

Cardiovascular Disease and Nursing


The heart is the main organ of the circulatory system, is the most sensitive (it weighs only 300 g) but is also the most resistant because it made from fibers more resistant organism. The heart is a very efficient pump, beats 100,000 times every day to push 4000 gallons of blood through nearly 100,000 miles of blood vessels. More than a million Americans die each year of heart disease. The most conventional cause of congestive heart failure is coronary heart disease (causing blocks that kill muscle cells) and hypertension (which thickens the heart muscle). The research enabled us to have a better understanding of coronary heart disease (see atherosclerosis, atherosclerosis, angina, and coronary heart disease) and hypertension (see Hypertension), and now we know how to prevent them (Savage 2006). Exercise and nutrition are critical to maintaining a healthy heart muscle.

The arteries that supply blood to the heart placed around the heart like a crown, and that is why they are called coronary arteries. These arteries supply blood and oxygen to smaller arteries linked to heart. Angina is characterized by chest pain caused by a decrease in circulation, in these small arteries, which provides little oxygen to the heart. The silent ischemia differs only because it causes pain and considered more dangerous because it gives no warning of what could happen. The electrocardiogram will reveal any problems. Attacks can be triggered by a filling meal, from excessive physical exertion, stress, emotional stress or cold. The frequency and duration of attacks varies, and can go for several attacks in one day a few attacks in several years(Kannel 2006). The intensity of pain can vary from a feeling of pressure up to an unbearable pain. Usually starts at the top of the chest or throat and radiates to the shoulder and left arm. The patient is pale, sweaty and very anxious. The symptoms are very similar to those of a heart attack, differentiated by the duration of pain, which lasts only a few minutes and mitigated by rest. We must consider, however, that if the blood supply is very low as angina pectoris may become a heart attack.

When atherosclerosis has damaged the circulation to the point of completely blocking a coronary artery and prevent the flow of oxygen to the heart, a part of the heart cells die, and we have the emergence of what technically called a myocardial infarction, or attack of heart. Unlike, stroke strikes suddenly, without warning (Herliz 2002). Usually the heart attack is caused by a rupture or a clot. The fatty deposits have needed years to build up on artery walls, but a blood clot that forms quickly in people with atherosclerosis (including children) can block an artery and stop the flow of oxygen immediately.

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