Case Study

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Case Study

Case Study

Case Study

Q.1.Putting myself in the role of maid what I can make changes is, first of all I would like to increase the wage amount which is in fact, quite lower as compare to other similar motels giving their services in the same area .secondly A proper time-in, time out electronic system should be implemented in order to check when the maid is leaving for their homes, minimum hours should be completed by the maid and the maid will be paid some extra dollars for every extra hour she completed after its normal job timings. Lastly, at the time of hiring try to prefer those maids who live near the motels

Q.2. Engaged employees are involved both mentally and emotionally in their work, and know that their input contributes to the success of their business. These employees are informed of the aims proud of their company. They feel responsible for the proper execution of their tasks because they feel they are helping the company achieve its ambitions (Susan, 1981).

Organizations can raise awareness and strengthen employee contributions to organizational objectives by clearly communicating their mission and vision. Organizations that ignore this aspect have higher turnover rates than those who disseminate their goals and allow us to discuss it freely. So for this purpose healthful working environment should be developed.

Q.3. If I am a leader of this organization I will go for liner leadership style, Linear connection in the hotel reflects the movement of managerial decisions and information coming from the so-called line manager, i.e. a person is fully responsible for the activities of the hotel (usually small) or its structural units (a large). This is one of the simplest organizational governance structures. It is characterized by the fact that the head of each structural unit is a leader, endowed with authority to exercise all the functions of management. In the linear control, every link and every slave has a single leader, through whom one channel passes all the management team.

In this case, managers are responsible for the results of all of their managed objects. It is about the allocation of each object managers, each of which performs all types of work and makes decisions related to management of this object. Because of the linear structure of the management solutions are passed through the chain of top-down, and the head of the lower echelon of management is subject to more senior level, forming a hierarchy of the leaders of your organization. In this case, the principle of unity of command, which essentially consists in the fact that subordinates carry out orders and will follow only one leade (Whyte, 2007)r. The linear structure of management is logically more coherent, and formally defined, but at the same time, it is less flexible. Each of the leaders has full power but relatively small potential solutions to problems. Line Management and organizational structure have its advantages and disadvantages.

The advantages of linear systems of organizational control especially in the motel industry are:

1) The ...
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