Case Study

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Case Study

Case Study


The management theory based on the following case study is the leadership of change. Generally speaking, leadership has been probably the most popular area of research within organizational and management studies. The issue of the possible links between leadership, strategic change and organizational performance, maybe there is certainly one which takes place time and again in this strategy case. However, it is acknowledged that perhaps more heat then light has been generated on the subject of the difference, if any, that leaders make to organizations and on the role of leadership in the management of change

Company Background

The small soap and candle business that William Colgate began in New York City early in the 19th century is now, more than 200 years later, a truly global company serving hundreds of millions of consumers worldwide. (Ian Cook 2008).

The over two hundred year history reflects the strength and innovation that Colgate people have used, to constantly transform their company and identify new opportunities. With global brands sold in over 200 countries; Colgate, Mennen, Palmolive, Ajax, Soft-soap and Hill's Pet Nutrition are among the world's most recognizable household names, trusted and relied upon by consumers everywhere. Colgate employees, working around the world, share a commitment to three core corporate values: Caring, Global Teamwork and Continuous Improvement. These values are reflected not only in the quality of products and the reputation of the company, but also in their dedication to serving the communities where they do business (Colgate, 2010).

As a successful business, the company focused on achieving the consistent growth required to continue their global success and to make them an even stronger company. They strongly believe this is the best way to benefit their consumers, their people and their shareholders.

Case study

Colgate Company is the world's famous consumable goods supplier; every year about 70% volume of 800,000,000 US dollar sales, comes from individual customer and family product of the international market production and sale. In order to support company's whole world business strategy, in 1989 the company formed five global services department which are oral cavity maintenance, personal maintenance, hard surface maintenance, group fabric maintenance and pet nutrition. But it has been found very quickly that there was a significant disparity between the business strategy and the human resources management.

Globalization is a huge project for any organization. To be successful, it must have a distinct strategy for expansion. The organization needs to evaluate who its global customers are, how they are going to position their product in that market including promotion, distribution and pricing. The decision to become global will be followed shortly by a country analysis to identify a target country. In moving forward the organization must revisit the corporate mission to ensure compatibility with the global project.

Inevitably the HR department will feel the strain of being aligned with the organization's global strategy. The HR department must educate itself about the socioculture of the target country to ensure that the organization can adapt and blend itself into a ...
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