Change In Thinking

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Change in Thinking

Change in Thinking

The paper itself emphasizes the importance and significance of critical thinking in our lives. Critical thinking has been defined as an activity that questions assumptions regarding subject, discipline or phenomenon that may occur in a defined setting on both personal and professional level. These days, in today's modern era, of rapid development, and expansion, even schools and educational institutions have paved way for adopting crucial and critical methods for the purpose and objective of developing cogent and prompt critical thinking patterns, which benefit the youth (Brookfield, 2000).

Change in Thinking Pattern

When it comes to making changes on account of critical thinking, there are several avenues that could be availed and utilized in the light of bringing change. Usually people tend to misinterpret the notion of critical thinking with negative behavior. Thus, such behaviors lead to dismantled behaviors and unacceptable codes of conduct in daily routine. Therefore, to make way for a better approach towards bringing a change in your life, one could adopt one of the many principles, laid down in the light of critical thinking (Brookfield, 2000).

Stages of bringing change in thinking

Recognize the problem

In life, when meeting people coming from different thinking patterns and backgrounds, you commonly come across many individuals who will strongly believe that there is no problem around them and that everything around them requires no change . Generally, such people shouldn't be involved in changing anything about them; if one wishes to change something about them, people need to identify and align themselves as per what faults and flaws currently and visibly exist in their thinking patterns. Everybody's perception of life is different; therefore, everyone's reality is different. In the first stage, one should aim to change your thoughts and you literally change the world that individuals have built around ...
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