Character Analysis Paper

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Character Analysis Paper

Character Analysis Paper

Lars and the Real Girl" written by Nancy Oliver, proposes an original story, fantastic, improbable and amusing, although more or less bizarre love between a man and a female have artificial been treated in the world of the 7th Art from very personal perspectives and with very different results, as for example in "Natural size" or the more recent "Air Doll".

However, in the work of Gillespie lust is absent. Rather we might speak of a love lyric, pure and spiritual. The critic Antonio, from the pages of ABC, described in his day as "a comedy caste, soft and melancholy," while Jordi Costa, a comedy considered it "very black".

From the medical point of view, this would be a pathological case delusional. Canadian actor Ryan Gosling plays Lars Lindstrom convincingly, a lonely, introverted boy who has difficulty relating to others. For example, avoids physical contact, hugging, feeling that they burn. Gosling's interpretation is very worthwhile, because it enriches the character with a series of gestures and tics naturally endowed with a manifest (Gillespie, 2007).

Lars could perhaps have a mild form of dissociative disorder - autistic or bipolar disorder. His mother died giving birth to him, and he and his older brother Gus (Paul Schneider) grew under the care of a puritanical and authoritarian father. To keep warm, Lars keeps around his neck a scarf at birth, apparently woven by his mother while pregnant with him. As a permanent umbilical cord that is the emotional bond that keeps you attached to it.

One of the most interesting characters in this film is that of Dr. Dagmar (Patricia Clarkson), a family physician with extensive training in psychology that serves the community. She does not think that Lars is suffering from schizophrenia or psychosis, or that the disorder has a genetic or organic brain.

Therapy "family and community" recommends Dr. Gus and his wife Karin (Emily Mortimer) who will follow the current Lars, it seems to project onto the doll Bianca feelings, concerns and desires. In a way, the girl latex becomes the silent voice of the tormented mind of his young boyfriend. And for Dr. Dagmar this very singular becomes a sort of treatment once retracted Lars.

Experts say a delusion must meet certain requirements, which differ, for example, other more or less heterodox beliefs. Thus, delirium is an idea that imperturbable logic is based on inadequate. Lars built his delirium on a latex doll he has given the name, nationality (Brazilian of Danish origin, dark and beautiful, different from the women around them), past, personality ... Lars corrects the inability of his idea displacing Bianca in a wheelchair or eating the food she cannot swallow. With the help of his small community, the delirium of Lars continues thanks to the humanitarian protection of their environment (family, doctor, friends, and church).

The rationale for Gus convinced of the folly of his brother and the need for detention therapeutic collides with the conservative and charitable Karin, Dr. Dagmar and the rest of the community, ...
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