Characteristics Of Abusers

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Characteristics of Abusers

Characteristics of Abusers

Substance abuse, especially when combined with alcohol and cocaine, may play a significant role in a number of cases of domestic violence, according to an article published in the Journal of the American Medical Association. (Maiden, 2001)Although alcohol is the most drug-related violence in the family, researchers from Methodist Hospital and the University of Memphis, said that about two-thirds of the attackers in a series of sequentially-sampled cases of domestic violence, have been using alcohol and cocaine at the time. This paper describe s the characteristics of abusers and analyze the role substance abuse plays in domestic violence.

Authors Daniel Brookoff, MD, and colleagues based their conclusions on a survey of 62 domestic violence that occurred in Memphis, Tenn. within 23 hours, seven consecutive night shifts. In the study group to examine the situation in the composition of the physician and nurse or paramedic, went to the scene police calls related to disturbances or attacks on residential addresses. (Kaufman, Straus, 2004) If the incident met the criteria for domestic violence, the researchers asked family members to the stage to participate in research projects on domestic violence. In general, the researchers surveyed 64 attackers and 72 victims of domestic violence. (Maiden, 2001) Researchers asked participants about the current and previous history of attacks against domestic violence, to arrest, use of antipsychotic drugs, and victims of health care facilities and shelters. They also questioned about their drug and alcohol use, family members whether they have been observed in drugs or alcohol at parties in the 12 hours preceding the incident, and participants who denied cocaine use has been requested to provide urine samples for voluntary - by-stage drug testing . Women who have been attacked by a male sexual partner were also invited to Stockholm to complete the survey, which measures the use of coercion and manipulation by men of violence to maintain his addiction female partner.

Investigators found that in most cases involving "assault on an adult woman by an adult person who is or was a sexual partner." In more than two thirds of the cases involved weapons - as a rule, one gun. In addition, most of the attackers interviewed reported that they had used alcohol in the day of the attack, "a little less than half of the victims. According to investigators, 27% of the women-victims reported that their male partners, use of coercion and manipulation, as measured in the form of Stockholm syndrome.

The authors say that while "the presence of alcohol and other drugs in the events we studied, does not necessarily mean that these substances affected the behavior and the causes of violence, however, 92% of the attackers, and 42% of victims had used alcohol or other drugs on the day the assault. (Maiden, 2001)  Characteristics of abusers

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