Chicago Research Paper

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Chicago Research Paper

Table of Contents



Some interesting facts about this letter3

Overall objective of the Charter4


Some interesting facts about this letter6

Paul objectives proposed in this Letter.7

Fundamental and common theological lines in both letters:8

Three main sections:9

Section 1: Historical-apologetic (caps.1-2)9

2nd Section: Doctrinal (caps.3-4)10

3rd Section: Hortatory (caps.5-6)10



Paul's letters are an important part of the Bible. We have not learned much of his letters? How frequently do not consult for something? In them we find the early church with all its joys and its difficulties. The spiritual advice that Paul gives them serves us well today. There are many letters of Paul we have in the Bible. Therefore, in this study cannot delve into all. Instead, it is possible to give a general approach to study letters, gather and consider some common themes, and provide introductions to the individual letters. However, in a context such as Corinth, we should not wonder that the church at Corinth had many problems. In the letters to the Corinthians that we have in the Bible, it seems that this was the church that gave him more problems than all.



The letter to the Galatians were written with a more corrective rather than didactic Character. It was not written to the assemblies (churches) in the Gospel to teach great truths, as we see in the letter to the Romans. Galatians also unfolds the truth of the Assembly. It's not about the present experience that a Christian makes, of which we read in Philippians. Our letter was written to correct evils, in the assemblies in Galatia. The letter to the Galatians was written to correct the law, while the Corinthian were written to carnality or worldliness to correct. Although both letters that appear in front of such background contrary are evil and both are very similar. To the wrong use of the law, the evils of the flesh and the correct world, Spirit of God leads to one of the cross of Christ. In short then, were the two great evils in the assemblies in Galatia fallen, were insisting on compliance with the law, to be saved, and the introduction of an apostolic succession - one could also say the principle of a Clergy, a prerequisite, therefore, to be servants of the Lord. 

In the introductory verses, the apostle gave a brief summary of these two large Themes of the letter. In the first two verses, he sums up the truth of his apostleship, in verses 3-5, the truth of his teachings together. As Christians began to spread on the one hand and on the other, especially in Asia Minor, quickly raised an identity crisis: was to be subjected to the Law of Moses to become a Christian? Was there to be a religious Jew to be a true and genuine Christian? What relationship were Moses and Jesus? Who was superior to whom?

In this difficult and crucial historical moment for Christianity, Paul "the apostle shows how prophetic, beating the complexes of the other apostles, open new ways to enable the death of Christ and the grace of God are ...
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