Child Abuse

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Child Abuse

Child Abuse


For several years, several authors have attempted to define different points of view and different perspectives to child abuse in order to find a solution to the problem and the most widely accepted definition has so far been muttering and Garcia (1996) in the mentioned that the abuse is physical or psychological harm to a child is not accidental, caused by their parents or caregivers, which occurs as a result of physical actions, sexual or emotional abuse or neglect, omission or commission, which threaten the normal development both child's physical and psychological" (Solomon, 2010).


Task 2

Child abuse is divided into two groups:

Liabilities: Includes physical neglect, which occurs when the child's basic physical needs are not met by any group member who lives with him. It also includes emotional neglect is the lack of response to the needs of physical contact and touch and indifference to the child's moods (Ullman, 2009).

Active: This includes physical abuse is any non-accidental action by parents or caregivers to cause physical harm or illness to the child. The intensity can range from a mild concussion to a fatal injury. It also includes sexual abuse, which is any sexual contact with a minor by a relative, guardian or other adult. The intensity of the abuse can range from indecent exposure to rape. Emotional abuse also falls into this category of assets and abuse comes in the form of verbal hostility, chronic (insults, ridicule, scorn, criticism, threats of abandonment, etc...) And the constant blocking of initiatives for children (can be up confinement or confinement) by any adult household member (Howard, 2009).

Another form of child abuse in the case of child witnesses of violence is "when children witness situations of chronic violence between their parents. The comparative studies show that these children have problems similar to those that characterize those who are victims of abuse (Whisnant, 2009). As for what concerns the psychic or psychological attacks, which are designed to damage the child's emotional integrity include any type of verbal statements and gestures, and attitudes to humiliate and degrade but this is not the most serious since the painful wounds on the body but tend to heal but the wounds of the soul, which leave no physical evidence, take much longer to heal if they heal they will build another wound more, they generate feelings of worthlessness, low self-esteem and personal insecurity , which can later manifest itself in social violence.

Attitudes and Beliefs about Child Abuse

Children are affected both by what their parents do as by what they think, i.e. the attitudes and beliefs of the same, as this author points out that We can define an attitude as a predisposition to respond to a particular stimulus in a particular way. An attitude is a greater likelihood that a person reacts to an experience or communication given in a particular way rather than another form (Goddard, 2010).

The attitude that has three components and are as follows:

Cognitive: It consists of the perceptions of the ...
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