Child Protection

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Inter-Agency Cooperation for Child Protection in the UK

Table of Contents


Existing inter-agency arrangements2

Aims and objectives of Working Together to Safeguard Children (2010)4

Objective of the Children Act 19895

Objective of the Children Act 20047

Effectiveness of the existing law8

Reforms to address the concerns and deficiencies in the legal system10


End Notes12

Inter-Agency Cooperation for Child Protection in the UK


Child protection policy in the UK has changed many times over the year owing to the increase in child mortality rate due to different forms of child abuse. The child abuse is of four types. These are physical abuse, emotional abuse, sexual abuse and neglect. According to UNICEF, child protection may be defined as steps taken to prevent and respond to violence against children, or any form of abuse and exploitation. These include child trafficking, sexual abuse, and child labour. In some countries, the traditional and cultural practices also come in the ambit of child abuse. For instance, the mutilation of female genital and early marriages categorize as serious forms of child abuse.

The recent changes in the child protection policy in the UK, is the result of two incidents that brought the issue of child abuse and the need for child protection to light. These incidents include the death of Victoria Climbié and Kelly Macfarlane in England and Scotland respectively. In both these cases, the post-incident reports suggested that the loss could have been avoided. There was a lack of communication between the different agencies and an effective child protection investigation. The two deaths are an example of blinding incompetence not only on the part of the police but also on the part of other social agencies working for child protection. Moreover, the media did not play its role in bringing the misery of the two children to light before their tragic death.

The different agencies that can work in collaboration towards child protection include the local private and public authorities that are providing child oriented services, health organizations and health professionals, criminal justice organizations and professionals, children schools, faith communities, armed services, and Children and Family Court Advisory and Support Services (CAFCASS).

Existing inter-agency arrangements

The existing inter agency arrangement is such that there are many conflicts in it. To begin with, the communication between the different agencies working for child protection is poor, to say the least. This is reflected not only in the two cases discussed above, but history of full of such examples where the death of a child as a result of prolonged child abuse could have been avoided. Several post-incident reports are a testament to the fact that inter-agency cooperation is either zilch or even if there is some degree of cooperation, it is only between the policy makers and managers and not among all the agencies that should be working together to ensure optimal child protection in the UK. Moreover, until lately the various agencies working for children were complacent and did not do their job well. There is a difference of opinion when it comes to ...
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