Clinical Psychology Case Formulation

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Psychology Case Formulation

Psychology Case Formulation

In this article I will discuss the patient who at 22 years of age was incapacitated by the left sided cerebrovascular accident (CVA) following the motor vehicle accident. To keep your identity completely confidential, I will refer to her as Mary. I will not refer to any medical personnel or buildings by name for this very reason. Mary had two attacks, while in hospital recovering from the motor vehicle accident (MVA). Mary's recovery was progressing normally, but was compromised by the stroke after crisis that left Mary with the permanent disability. Mary cannot walk at all. She may be assisted for clothing adjustments. Mary cannot speak well, she responds with "yes", "no" or "oh no." Mary is cognitively disabled, even slightly, can be difficult to say that Mary is to answer questions or simply reply to be spoken.

Mary's emotional well-being will largely determine your overall health. If she is happy, free of pain and discomfort is more than willing to participate in daily activities in service (National Stroke Foundation, 2004). nurse can help Mary to stay pain free and comfortable through observation of Mary by nonverbal cues, such as withdrawal, irritation or agitation, aggression, facial grimacing, and routine maintenance of Mary constant as possible. Keep Mary as independent as possible by encouraging her to do what you can while attending Mary hygiene remains overwhelmed by their disability, which in turn, keeps in good spirits, but also help Mary to look and feel good in your case. car starts to go to bath needs and moves around building in the wheelchair, but remains dependent on staff to help. If nurses do not go to Mary that she she will try to quickly move to bathroom and then run risk of falls. Mary understood ...
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