Comparing Erikson To Piaget Psychologists

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Comparing Erikson to Piaget

Comparing Erikson to Piaget

Child psychologist Jean Piaget believed that a person understands any information fits into his established world view. Piaget described four stages of cognitive development and associated with their human ability to understand. Sensorimotor stage, from birth to 2 years. It is during this stage that the child learns about him or herself and their environment through the use of motor and reflex actions. Preoperative stage begins about the time the child begins to talk about the age of 7. With new knowledge of child language, he can begin to use symbols to represent objects and represent them. Particular stage occurs from about the first class in early adolescence. The child is now being developed to take rational decisions.

There is no need to live in a fantasy world as much. The final stage in Piaget's cognitive development is the formal stage. There is no longer the need for concrete objects to make rational decisions. He can now hypothetical and deductive thinking. Psychiatrist Erik Erikson believed that each person had eight stages of development. He called them "eight stages of man." These stages were formulated, not through experimentation, and through extensive experience in psychotherapy. Stage 1, Education basic trust Versus Basic Mistrust is the period of infancy through first one or two years of life. The child, well handled, nurtured, and loved, will develop confidence and security.

Badly handled, the child becomes insecure and mistrustful. Stage 2, Education Autonomy versus Shame, is aged 18 months to 2 years. Autonomy, however, is not completely filled with self-confidence, initiative and independence. For children at the beginning of this phase, the storm on their own will, tantrums, stubbornness, and negativism. Step 3, Education Initiative Versus Guilt comes from the 3 1 / 2 to ...
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