Concepts Of Karma And Samsara

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Concepts of karma and Samsara

Concepts of karma and Samsara


It was a big circle of karma and Samsara in Hinduism and Buddhism. There are still small. In fact, it is a model for a large. The basis for it is the very same principle cause effect Buddhism. Either it is higher or lower planets, which has enjoyed on Hinduism or Buddhism. The very concept of Karma and Samara offers a person the practically limitless opportunity to enjoy the fruits of their work, how much and where. This is what makes it very attractive to most people. They want to improve their financial or spiritual status, and, therefore, after the fact, or other status in the community, saying that this is a very good religion. Desiring to achieve that, or another planet in the universe, a person begins to worship a deity or demon appropriate on this planet and eventually, reaches it. Considering it is corresponding to his actions (karma and Samsara), position. Position depends on the desire of the man, his desires. At the heart of this desire is the cause of the arrival of the soul in the material world.


Compare and contrast of Karma and Samsara


The term karma is a Sanskrit word used to describe the fate. Thus, when a negative event occurs in a person's life, such as illness, accident or redundancy, we can see the manifestation of karma. This design is very widespread in Asia, but also in the West. However, this understanding pessimistic and negative karma is too restrictive. Indeed, a happy encounters unexpected events; serendipity is as much a manifestation of karma. Karma means, in effect, the act and the consequence of that act.

Moreover, this concept has great cultural significance in the history of ideas. In fact, karma is the cornerstone of the moral and philosophical thought of India. Given its explanatory power, this theory is broadly shared by the various schools of thought from India, be it Hinduism and Buddhism. In addition, the concept of karma was a great geographic reach.

Concept of Karma in Hinduism and Buddhism

We have seen that Hinduism is the only time in a cyclical fashion. The cycles of universe, explain among other things found in the sacred texts of many cosmogonies. Cycles of creatures, be they human, in the form of reincarnation or transmigration rather of souls. Hinduism also has the look that was at the origin of these cycles creatures. Causal, the Hindu religion has responded by Karma.

Karma is all of thoughts and our actions, their causes and their effects. Hindus do not believe in chance and think in terms of causality. Thus, all our thoughts, all our actions are the result of a cause that has preceded it, but themselves, thoughts or actions, produce a measurable effect. This is Hinduism Karma goes even further, and think there beyond the individual Karma, a collective Karma, on the scale of a small community, a society, or humanity. Thus, the existence of life, it forms the result ...
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