Congress And Presidential Powers

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Congress and Presidential Powers

Congress and Presidential Powers


This paper intends to explore the congressional actions taken against the President to limit his powers. The best example of such actions can be seen in the form of War Power Act. The relationship between Congress and the Presidency will be explored along with the understanding of their legal powers and privileges for the purpose of diagnosing the significance of congressional actions taken against the President to limit his powers. Moreover, the importance of such actions in the greater context of the political system of United States of America will be developed in this paper.

The paper will provide the historical background and description of the congressional actions along with a critical analysis on the constitutional powers. The prevailing tensions between the President and Congress will also be explored in the paper. The significant power arrangement between the Congress and the President will also be discovered. The purpose of this paper is to make the reader aware about the actions of Congress and President in the greater context of their responsibilities to constituents and their offices along with exploring the sources of tension between Congress and President that led to these outcomes.


Congressional Actions against the Presidential Powers

The most important thing that underlies the relationship of congress and the president of United States is that the Congress possesses all the necessary powers to challenge and reject the significant measures or decisions taken by the president. The congress and president both cannot accept that the public perceptions of both the squabbling bodies remain questionable. Moreover, the pinnacle of political power within America is also significantly related to the congressional actions against the powers of the president.

Both the important bodies of Congress and the Presidency are important to work together for the purpose of providing all the relevant benefits to the nation which are claimed to be the most important strength of the democratic political setup within the United States of America. However, the public disputes between the president and Congress are considerably rare. For instance, the problems of Clinton were apparent with the Congress which was commonly known as the 'Lewinsky affair' (Robert, 2011).

Moreover, the congressional actions against the powers of president are always assumed to serve as the most important tool of the democratic setup of United States of America. The relationship between president and congress usually tends to stabilize with some speed as both the authorities lost credibility within the eyes of Americans. The constitution of United States of America provides the president with various defined powers as referring to the relationship with Congress. It is also quite interesting to realize that president plays the most important role at the beginning and at the end of the legislative process. Various articles like Article I Section 7 and Article II Section 3 provides a clear overview of congressional and presidential power relationship (James, 2006).

Relationship between Congress and Presidency

The relationship between the Congress and the president has always been important to the political system of United ...
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