Counter Terrorism

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Counter Terrorism Inspection Regime

Counter Terrorism Inspection Regime


The study is related to the inspection regime for the terrorism. Terrorism is defined by the legislators as an explosion, arson or other actions that endanger people's lives, causing significant property damage or other socially dangerous consequences, provided that these acts were committed in order to breach public security, intimidating the population or influencing the adoption of making authorities, as well as a threat to commit such acts in the same order.


In recent years, terrorist attacks are becoming more and more frequent, occasional news reports do without the media reporting about new acts of terrorism. Terrorism has become an acute problem in our society, and therefore, one of the main tasks of the state is a challenge to fight terrorism with all available means and in all possible ways. A special role in this struggle must be given to the legal methods of struggle against terrorism, a series of legal means aimed at preventing and combating terrorist crimes, that is, legal inspection regimes against terrorism (Schuchter, 2004).

In disclosing the essence of the legal inspection regime against terrorism, counter terrorism inspection regime should be allocated in its structure and to consider separately such features as the carrier of the inspection regime, regime legal means, operating rules, the legal status of the subjects of the regime of regulation, a system of organizational and legal guarantees.

The support of the inspection regime against terrorism serves a specific socio-legal process, the struggle against terrorism. By inspection regime through legal means in this case would serve certain regulatory requirements and actions for the implementation. In particular, according to the Federal Law “On Combating Terrorism”, is provided counterterrorist operations with the establishment of a special legal inspection regime in the area of counter terrorist operations (Crenshaw, 2010).

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