Crafting And Executing Strategy

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Crafting and Executing Strategy

Crafting and Executing Strategy

The International Air Transport Association (IATA) has called on the government of the United States (U.S.) to strengthen the competitiveness of American air launching long-term strategies. IATA, in cooperation with the aviation industry, U.S. urged to accelerate the implementation of NextGen, resume its focus on air transport liberalization, review the proposals on passenger rights and face the ever increasing costs of security. Aviation remains the union of the U.S., facilitates its connection to the rest of the world, generating 11 million jobs in America and moved 1.2 trillion in economic activity. However, aviation is not among the priorities of the White House. The political agenda of U.S. aviation is replete with poor short-term measures focused on a very limited type of management. We have a much broader vision and courage to face the change, "said Giovanni Bisignani, director general and CEO of IATA, before the Wings Club in New York. (Matthew, 1998)

The comprehensive approach to security of the Secretary of the Department of Homeland Security United States, Janet Napolitano, and that includes a commitment to the aviation industry is modern and efficient. Each security crisis has led to the introduction of new legislation and new bureaucracy. We study the many solutions that are implemented to ensure that measures taken are effective against terrorists and not hurt the passengers, "said Bisignani at the edge of its proposal to conduct a reassessment on the model of safety control at airports, developed over 40, to prevent the introduction of metals by the kidnappers.”From my perspective, the security checkpoint must combine technology and intelligence. Passengers could walk along a closed hall equipped with appropriate technology can identify them without having to stop, take off his clothes and show their belongings, "said Bisignani. The concept of Security Control of the Future continues to advance. OACI and 19 governments, including the U.S. cooperate in the design, testing and implementation of a new model of control and other Governments to expedite the installation of early detection by the scanner. (Tony, 1998)

The IATA estimates the current cost of airline safety is of 7,400 million dollars annually. This new amount is 25% compared to $ 5,900 million previously expected. This increase is due in part to inflation and growth, but the main reasons are the increase of data recording and transmission, customs security programs and police control, capital investment and the costs of delays resulting from safety management and its consequences. These costs should not affect the airlines. Governments must take responsibility for security in air travel in the same way that responsibility for security in public parks, subways or field hockey. Governments must assume the cost and hope that the U.S should play a leading role globally to try to balance costs and responsibilities, "said Bisignani. (Roger, 1996)

The efficient NextGen program will have a key role in achieving the objectives of the aviation sector to mitigate its impact on global ...