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Task 1

Violent Crimes

Violent crimes are dealing with different types of accusations from threats of violence to the execution of a violent act. (Akers 2009) Many times there is a relationship between the alleged victim and the accused, as a boss and employee, husband and wife, neighbours or colleagues. Different forms of violent crimes are:


Aggravated assault with a dangerous weapon


Aggravated assault (with weapons, dangerous weapons, firearms, serious bodily injury to the elderly)


Invasions has homes

False arrest

Wounding a police officer

Car theft

Resisting with violence

Attempted murder


Pull a dangerous missile

Negligent homicide

In the last fifteen years the country had a rapid increase in violent crime. It was found in this study; among the variables mentioned as associated with increased violent crime is the crime of possession of narcotics. This research is based on the need to compare at the individual level the relationship found between the increase in violent crime and increased drug possession, whereas the latter offense (possession of drugs) does not imply drug use, but expanding market for these substances. (Akers 2008)

Thus, intending to study in depth the relationship, we proceeded to the analysis of persons convicted of nonviolent and violent crime, trying in the past, when they in turn were drug users, to establish causation and function of the drug with the commission of violent crime for which they were convicted. Thus, the results showed that despite the existence of association between drug use and the commission of a violent crime in the sample studied, there was not enough evidence that could establish the nexus linking drug use to the commission a violent crime. However, this association reflects that factor should not be underestimated drug use as a catalyst for criminal behaviour, so these results should be considered preliminary and are important sources to nourish and refine future research on the subject are made.

Task 2

Property Crimes

Theft (larceny-theft, in English): The act of unlawfully taking something apart (e.g. grab a bike or take auto parts, take merchandise from a store without paying for it or grab wallets) without the use of force, without violence or fraud. Also included the attempted theft.

Motor Vehicle Theft: The theft or attempted theft of a vehicle.

Arson: The act of burning or attempt to burn a house, public building, motor vehicle, aircraft or personal property, intentionally or maliciously, with or without intent to defraud.

Violation of the home: the act of illegally entering a property to commit a felony or theft. Not necessarily enter by force.

Situations for Property Crime

These crimes usually occur when the victim is not strong enough to defend the property, or when the victim is an area that is isolated. (Akers 2004)

Situational factors or characteristics of the building environment may make it a more tempting target for offenders.

The permeability of residential neighbourhoods, or accessibility to outside traffic, is another factor. The proximity of residential areas to main arterial roads is similarly a factor, as such roads tend to be most familiar to criminals and people in general. Criminals tend not to venture too far from familiar ...
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