Criminal Cases Race Or Riches

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Criminal Cases Race Or Riches



This research will focus on the role of narratives in criminal cases race or riches. The paper will start by a brief introduction and literature review. The paper will go on to describe the methodology followed by the conclusion.

Literature Review

Narrative is a device used to make sense out of our lives and experiences, “a way of organizing, coping with, even acting on the world.” Often, stories provide a framework for people to help in determining truth. When this search for truth involves passing judgment on people's lives involved in an alleged rape, the importance of the narrative cannot be overstated. Rape narratives, although unique in terms of facts, should not vary depending on the race or class of the victim or the perpetrator. If the narrative incorporates elements of bias, prejudice or political views unrelated to the facts, the story is inherently flawed, contributing to erroneous results in the courtroom and perpetuating a misunderstanding of the rape issue in society.


This paper will examine media narratives from the recent high profile case, comparing them to media narratives of previous rape cases to ascertain whether race and class are changing these narratives. Past research supports the proposition that the media provides the public with different rape narratives depending on the alleged victim's and accused rapist's race, class, or both. Scholars argue that the media is more sympathetic to the victim when a rape occurs between an upper middle class white woman and an African-American assailant. In contrast, if the allegation involves a rapist who is white or from a higher class, the media tends to place more blame on the lower class, minority victim. Supporting this thesis is a project conducted by two sociologists who analyzed magazine coverage of ten high profile rape cases.


Focusing on the case as a case study, this paper will analyze magazine coverage using the same labeling system from the previous study to determine whether differences still exist in rape narratives today. The resulting data will help us to determine whether the case further supports the proposition that race and class shape rape narratives or if these factors no longer affect how the stories are told.


Criminal Cases Race or Riches-Narratives


Narrative is a device used to make sense out of our lives and experiences, "a way of organizing, coping with, even acting on the world. Often, stories provide a framework for people to help in determining truth. When this search for truth involves passing judgment on people's lives involved in an alleged rape, the importance of the narrative cannot be overstated. Rape narratives, although unique in terms of facts, should not vary depending on the race or class of the victim or the perpetrator. If the narrative incorporates elements of bias, prejudice or political views unrelated to the facts, the story is inherently flawed, contributing to erroneous results in the courtroom and perpetuating a misunderstanding of the rape issue in society. This Article examines media narratives from the recent high profile ...
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