Critical Annotated Bibliography

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Critical Annotated Bibliography

Critical Annotated Bibliography

America's founding fathers

Anderson, Benedict. 2006. Imagined groups: Reflection on the Origin and disperse of Nationalism. New York: Verso.

Anderson's publication is the “cutting edge” source on nationalism. I design on utilizing this publication as a quotation to the assessments I wish to make between the “Christian Nation” supporters and my conviction that they constitute an envisaged community of sorts.

Diamond, Sara. 1995. Road to Dominion: Right Wing Movements and Political Power in the joined States. New York: Guilford Press.

Sarah Diamond discovers several the lesser constituents that made up the cautious right as a whole. And though she doesn't discover the “Christian Nation” notion very much, her work is cooperative in supplying a structure for my study, in supplement to the chronicled facts and numbers she presents on the sources and evolution of conservatism in the 1970s.

Goldberg, 2006. Michelle. Kingdom approaching: The increase of Christian Nationalism. New York: Norton Publishing.

Goldberg's publication takes an in deepness gaze at how conservatism and Christian fundamentalism amalgamated to conceive “Christian Nationalism.” Many of Goldberg's outlooks are alike to the study I will be employed on, which is why her publication is an invaluable asset in my studies. However, Goldberg declines short of matching Christian Nationalism to an envisaged community, which is where I wish my study will elaborate upon much of what she has currently in writing in this book.

Lambert, Frank. 2003. The origin Fathers and the location of belief in America. Princeton, New Jersey: Princeton University Press.

Frank Lambert presents a very methodical and assuring contention in this publication of how the legacy of the Founding Fathers has been “hijacked” by Christian apologists in an effort to restructure or rewrite America's annals as beingnearly solely Christian. Lambert presents a plentiful number of counterarguments to the Christian Nation assertion, which are significant to my general thesis as well.

Martin, William. 1996. With God on Our edge: The increase of the Christian Right in America. New York: Broadway Books.

Martin's publication recounts in minutia the amalgamation between conservatism and Christianity throughout the late 60s and 70s. Martin presents a register of famous and influential devout and political managers who assisted to lead the ascribe in reshaping cautious politics. This publication will be utilized nearly solely for its background.

Noll, Mark. 1994. The Scandal of the Evangelical Mind. Grand Rapids, MI: Wm. B. Eerdmans Publishing Co.

As one of the foremost historians of American devout annals, Mark Noll takes a in deepness gaze into what he calls a “crisis” of the Evangelical mind. According to Noll, a good piece of the evangelical community has easily conformed to a set of convictions and concepts considering belief and politics. I design on utilizing Noll's publication a large minutia in illustrating how and why the “Christian Nation” conviction has become so embedded in the minds of devout devotees (of all denominations) today.Falwell, Jerry. 1996. Falwell: An Autobiography.

As one of the prime numbers of the “Moral Majority,” Falwell performed a key function in assisting to reshape American ...
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