Critical Reflection On Practice

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Critical Reflection on Practice

Critical Reflection Essay


In this essay will look at a critical incident in relation to a service user that occurred whilst on my 3rd year placement. The context of the agency and involvement prior to the incident is outline in the Appendix. Names have changed to protect the identity of those involved. Students will be introduce to key concepts and issues in social work practice such as care and control, key values and professional accountability.


I had received a telephone call from SB's key worker at CDA informing me that SB had walked into their offices that morning, and was very upset, stating he had no where to stay, prior to this he had been 'sofa surfing', but as from earlier today had now become street homeless. His key worker had contacted me asking if there was anything, I could do as housing was not their remit, and as I previously saw him during a drop in clinic at CDA regarding going through the local authority deposited a guarantee scheme. CDA had called a team meeting to discuss the situation, although they to have referred him a couple of short-term hostels, there was a waiting list. As SB already had scheduled an appointment with me that afternoon to discuss a referral to the DGS and a budgeting plan as he had some outstanding debts, which could affect be accepted onto the scheme. I commented to his key worker that I would need to discuss this with my manager in order to converse and explore the possibility of other options that I may not be aware of with any other possibility.

I immediately spoke to my manager, and was asked if the 'street services' team had been notified, which they had. When someone becomes street homeless, the individual or their key worker, if they have one, notify 'street services' or the 'spot' team as they are also known, of where they will be sleeping rough, they would then find them at that spot to verify they are homeless. However, it is the responsibility of the team to identify such people and act accordingly. From this point, they would refer into services. However, being unknown to those on the streets, the 'spot' team only go out twice a week between the hours of 6-7am.


As the 'spot' team notified by CDA, my manager stated there was nothing more we could do and commented, although she understood my concern, and advised me not to spend any more time on this as SB was not a referred client only a drop in client. I was also surprised when she remarked, “we don't want to be doing other people's work, when we have enough of our own”. It not only made me felt bad by this remark but also irritated at what appeared to be her lack of concern. I asked if there was a procedure or criteria for emergency placement at any of the hostels - but she was unaware about ...
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