Critique Of American Democracy In Peril: Eight Challenges To America''s Future.

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Critique of American Democracy in Peril: Eight Challenges to America''s Future.

Critique of American Democracy in Peril: Eight Challenges to America''s Future.

Back when Rome ruled the world it had to deal with one problem after another. Germanic invasions across it's northern border, an agressive Persian empire to the east, mass migrations(today we call that illegal immigration) into its empire, and a political class to busy plotting and scheming to take power, and giving no thought to the good of the state or the people.

Like Ancient Rome, America has many problems on all sides. It's just that our problems are far more dangerous. Rome had to deal with sword wielding barbarians in a time when the most fearful weapon was hot oil. We have to deal with barbarians trying desperately to get their hands on nuclear weapons.

America is currently fighting barbarians. Let's be honest, that's what they are. It is very likely that we will be fighting them for decades to come. Let's say we win our battle for Iraq(we should as long as the democrats don't pull the rug out from under our feet) we will have to deal with other countries. Baathists still rule Syria, Wahabbists run Saudi Arabia, Hizbollah rules a state within a state in Lebanon, Turkey is backsliding into Islamism, and the muslim brotherhood is on the march in Egypt. That's just the tip of the iceberg.

Like Rome we have a Persian problem. Today the Iranians pursue nuclear weapons, and regional hegemony. They want to bring the middle east under their shiite sharia law. Iran has been at war with the United States for 28 years, a war we've ignored for too long, adn continue to ignore at our own peril. Iran not only wants to control the middle east, they want to destroy the United States. This isn't a strategic choice. It's a commandment, a pysvhotic hatred, that orders them to wage war against the U.S.

Sooner or later we will have to confront Iran. Even after we're done with the barbarians in the middle east threats to the United States persist. China sees itself as the rightful ruler of east Asia. The only problem is that most of the nations of that region are allies of the U.S. China, with the worlds largest army, is training their forces for an encounter with the U.S. It is building its fleet into a blue water navy.

China seeks "reunification" with Tawain, a democratic nation, that for its entire history was only ruled from Beijing from 1945-1949. China sees the United States as an obstacle in their rise to power, that makes Beijing see the U.S. as an enemy.Then there is Russia, which under Vladimir Putin, as slid back into autocracy. Recently Putin has not botherd to hide his disdain for the U.S. ( Sounds like he's been talking to Nancy Pelosi) To hear Putin tell it the U.S. is the problem, not jihadist nutjobs who blow themselves up, and murder anyone they can get their hands ...
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