Cultivating Intuition: An Introduction

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Cultivating Intuition: An Introduction

Cultivating Intuition: An Introduction


This book will fascinate anyone interested in the work of Peter Lomas. The bulk of its chapters are reprints of papers written for a variety of journals in the late 1950s and early 1960s. Rewarding in their own right, these early articles also provide insights into one man's gradual move away from the certain and determined explanations that characterized mainstream psychoanalysis in the 1950s (and which to a great extent still do). Whereas in his later writings Peter Lomas makes broad critiques of conventional psychoanalysis and its attitude to therapy, placing himself clearly outside its dominant politics and practice, here his criticisms are still made from within. His detailed critiques open up new perspectives on family relationships, maternal love, maternal depression and therapeutic practice. Typically he draws on a range of sources from inside psychoanalysis and, as importantly, from outside it in philosophy, anthropology, sociology and literature.


Peter Lomas in his book has described Intuition is often defined by the immediate knowledge of the truth without any recourse to reasoning and thoughtful consideration. Every human being has the power of intuition. Everyone, at one time or another, understood, approached an event would unfold in a certain way, often against Cartesian evidence tending to prove the contrary. The intuition is manifested in a way that is fairly easy to recognize. It is very rare to be confused with another emotion. It could be characterized by a flow of energy that passes through a higher power or lower. As if an invisible force we indicated the direction to take (Hamel and Prahalad, 1994).

He said that intuition is different from instinct. It is often called them the same way, but they are two completely opposite things. Instinct is all primary behaviors which man has to survive and sustain the human species over time. These are the foundations of his nature. Within the instincts, especially those found in survival, reproduction, family and group life. Intuition, it is outside of these primary instincts. It is a force, a fluid that guides us throughout our lives. The track often puts us in a state of joy and sometimes even euphoria, simply because we know of course that's the right direction. Try to fight against this intuition, and you will immediately see that you do not feel comfortable with your choice, it makes you depressed and not playful. You ...
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