Declaration Of Independence

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Declaration of Independence

Declaration of Independence


The American Declaration of Independence is regarded as the constitution of the United States. The text of state of affairs in several respects but promised to be sustainable success through the affirmation of a number of new ideas in this document that devotes the final break with Britain (Christie & Benjamin, 1976). This paper will be focusing basically on the American Declaration of Independence and the US Constitution. Furthermore, it will also analyze the points which were identified by King George III as the justification for American Independence which were later on identified by Thomas Jefferson. Moreover, the US Constitution will also be taken into consideration in which abuses from new republic will be discussed.


Examine the actions of King George III that Thomas Jefferson identified as justification for American independence from English rule.

The American colonists enjoyed relative independence from the mother country until there is the Peace of Paris (1763), which closes the conflict of the Seven Years War. France lost in Louisiana in favor of England. This was an important victory because it was a strategic place that covered the rear of the thirteen colonies. Was also achieved Quebec, the Appalachians and the Mississippi. It was reassuring news for the settlers who saw the danger away as French and market competition, while strengthening their political consciousness and aspirations to achieve greater economic and administrative autonomy. But hopes were dashed when George III (1760-1820) and King's parliamentary group Friends decided to impose a centralized rule in the colonies. During the process the Americans benefited from smuggling to the West Indies French and Spanish, so the mother thought of taxing profits to pay the costs incurred by the war. Tariffs were imposed on molasses, wine, coffee, indigo, rum that caused great unrest among the colonists. The tension increased when the mother forbade the opening of new factories to avoid the formation of an indigenous industry. Americans wanted to buy all the products manufactured in England, beginning, then, its industrial development. And, moreover, also prohibited settle west of the Appalachians and the Mississippi, to be held for new settlers and migrants Canadians and imposed restrictions on internal trade. The colonists protested strongly against laws that they themselves had not voted as they had no representation in Parliament in London. Between 1763 and 1776 the Americans try to fight against British laws diplomatically (Ellis & Joseph, 2007).

The Declaration of Independence of the United States of North America, drafted by Jefferson, and with influences of Locke and Rousseau, was signed between 2 and 4 July 1776 by 56 members of the Continental Congress met in Philadelphia. The statement expressed the hardships endured by the colonies under the rule of the British crown and declared them free and independent states. It was approved by unanimous vote of the delegates of twelve colonies, the representatives of New York were allowed only on 9 July. Apart from the charges against King George III and his government is appropriated one of the most ...
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