Dementia Care

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Nursing Homes: Dementia Care


Dementia usually occurs in the elderly. It is known that they are a vulnerable patient population; they are often frail and dependent on informal caregivers for support. If we examine and explore each area, we can begin to understand and workout what the person's needs are and look at a solution to meet the need, therefore, having a better chance of altering the behavior. In this paper, a proposed program for the patients with dementia care in the nursing homes has been explained. The related research regarding the program has also been discussed along with the review of the articles.

Table of Contents



Dementia Care in Nursing Homes1

Proposed Program for Dementia Care2

Literature Review3

Review of Articles3

Rationale and Elements of the Proposed Program5

Benefits to the Clients6




Nursing Homes: Dementia Care


A dementia is a deficit in cognitive, emotional and social skills, which leads to impaired social and occupational functions and usually associated with a diagnosable disorder of the brain. Above all are the short-term memory, and also the ability to think, the language and motor skills, in some forms the personality structure involved. Relevant is the loss of acquired thinking skills as opposed to innate intellectual deficit.

This paper proposes a program for dementia care in the nursing homes, the literature review of the articles, the elements of the proposed program and the rationale for the treatment along with the benefits of the program to the patient.

Dementia Care in Nursing Homes

Dementia usually occurs in the elderly. It is known that they are a vulnerable patient population - they are often frail and dependent on informal caregivers for support. It is also known that the nursing home staff members, who traditionally provide care for long-term care patients, may lack expertise for providing transitional care for the patients with dementia. Thus, post-acute care patients, who are vulnerable to complications from multiple transitions in care, may not receive the basic care required to prepare them for safe transitions from nursing homes to home. There have been many proposed treatment and programs for the dementia patients' care in the nursing homes.

In the recent past, challenging behaviour would have been treated with tranquilizers and antipsychotic medication (Adams & Manthorpe, 2003). However, within the new culture of dementia care we now have policies and standards such as NICE/SCIE guidelines which states that we should use non-pharmacological interventions for behaviours that challenge. Guidelines suggest that we look at the reason behind the behaviour, looking at the person as a whole and various areas within the person. Kitwood proposes there are five factors, which contribute to, each person's experience of dementia this being; Personality, Biography, Health, Neurological Impairment and Social Psychology (Kitwood 1997, 23). If we examine and explore each area, we can begin to understand and workout what the person's needs are and look at a solution to meet the need, therefore, having a better chance of altering the behaviour (Stokes, 2000).

Proposed Program for Dementia Care

I believe that the dementia patient need proper care and attention and they have ...
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