Democracy And Education

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Democracy and Education: An Introduction to the Philosophy of Education

Chapter 5 Preparation, Unfolding, And Formal Discipline

The concept of the educational process is the ability for further education stands in contrast to some other ideas that have a profound impact in practice. The first examined the contrasting concept consists of preparing or getting ready for some future obligations or privileges. Indicated that specific adverse effects which result from the fact that it distracts attention from both the teacher and taught with a single point that it can be successfully sent--namely, taking advantage of the needs and possibilities of this immediately.

Accordingly, it has its own stated purposes. That education is coming from inside, seem more like a vision of growth, which was set out. But also worked out the theory Froebel and Hegel, it is linked, ignoring the interaction of this organic trends with the current situation, as well as training. Some implicit is generally regarded as finished and the importance of growth was only temporary; This is not an end in itself but merely means clear is already implicit. Since that right does not cannot be made a specific use, something must be present.

According to the Froebel Mystic symbolic objects and instruments (mainly math) stand for everything that is in the process unfolding. According to Hegel, existing institutions are effectively the actual representatives. Emphasis on symbols and institutions tend to divert the perception from direct experience growth in wealth of meaning. Other influential but defective theories that which regulatory intelligence, that is, to be born, certain mental capacity or power, as perceiving, remembering who seemed to capture visitors etc and that education is to prepare these faculties by replicating.

This theory is subject as a relatively external and indifferent, living simply in the fact that it is in the implementation of the general power. Criticism has been directed to this Division of powers, out of the material on which they operate. The theory into practice showed excessive emphasis on the training of specialized types of qualifications at the expense of the initiative, ingenuity and readaptability--qualities that depend on a broad and sustained interaction activities with each other.


Models such as the cover cartoon, but contrasts drawn can help us to approach issues around the direction and objectives of education and its relation to democratic practices. To some extent differences mirrors other familiar dichotomies between, for example, andragogy and pedagogy and "romantic" and "classic" form of education. Indeed there are some cross-over (not unexpected, as someone like Rousseau was involved in the so-called romantic situation and could be associated with many of the problems associated with direct democracy). However, the point of departure and to form in the forms to us a slightly different way.

As well as the content of these contrasting models also have some very different ideas about what is the curriculum. Emphasis on discussion and practical wisdom in the classic model will tend to link process and practice approaches to ...
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