Demonstrative Communication

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Demonstrative Communication

Demonstrative Communication


Nonverbal communication is the process of communication by sending and receiving wordless messages, i.e., is given by signs, signs and lack of syntax, i.e., have no syntactic structure so, it cannot be analyzed sequences component hierarchy. Nonverbal communication has been defined as communication without words. It includes apparent behaviors such as facial expressions, eyes, touching, and tones of voice, as well as less obvious messages such as dress, posture and spatial distance between two or more people (Bennett & Olney, 2011).

Demonstrative Communication

The emotions, the facial expression and gesture, are given back the original in the original state. The non-verbal communication is, therefore, probably the oldest form of interpersonal communication, long before the man uttered the first word. Even after her birth children communicate with their environment predominantly nonverbal. Human, social behavior cannot be understood without considering the nonverbal system. However, the importance of nonverbal communication by most people is often underestimated. Demonstrative communication refers to a large number of channels; the most important are the eye contact, facial gestures, movements of arms and hands or body posture etc. Despite the importance, that we usually attribute to verbal communication, between 65% and 80% of our communication with others is achieved through nonverbal channels. For effective communicate, verbal and nonverbal messages must match each other. Many communication difficulties occur when our words are contradicted by our nonverbal behavior (Guffey, 2007).

A classification in 3 groups of non-verbal signals, as its main uses:

1. Social interaction

2. Organizing communication in interaction

3. To express feelings, feelings and determine notions (Sharma, 2011).

Basics of body language

Body language is not just about how we hold and move our bodies. It also includes how we position our bodies, our closeness to and the space between us and other people (proxemics), and how this changes our facial expressions. Our eyes help us in checking how we move and ...
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