Diabetes Type 2 And Obesity

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Diabetes Type 2 and Obesity

The link between diabetes type 2 and obesity


Obesity brings with it a number of risks that affect health, such as the elevation of blood pressure, cardiovascular disease and type 2 diabetes. Through the years, studies have been performed which confirm the relationship obesity and diabetes type 2, which is especially associated with excess adipose tissue in the abdomen. Both type 2 diabetes and obesity are considered heterogeneous disorders, due to many factors. The paper comprises the relation between the diabetes type II and obesity.

Even a strict diet improves glycemic level, before weight loss has occurred. In the longer term sustained weight loss improves control of diabetes, which is checked with glycosylated hemoglobin levels. The obesity epidemic that reaches the entire world announces a public health problem even more serious, that of a diabetes epidemic. The WHO estimates that 366 million the number of diabetics in the world in 2030, with nearly 40 million in North America and Central America. Given the life expectancy, it is estimated that the United States, if conditions do not change, 30% of boys and 40% girls born in 2000 will develop diabetes.

Diabetes is one of the most important and common problems of modern society. The diagnosis of type 2 diabetes in a person 18 years of age would have caused curiosity 30 years ago because this was unknown. Today, diabetes is the primary concern of pediatricians. However, we know that the natural evolution of the disease is to complete loss of secretary function of insulin by the pancreas and vascular complications that are the main causes of death or disability. It is therefore easy to see that most diabetes begins, the sooner it will affect the individual and society.


According to international organizations to combat obesity, the prevalence of this disease in adult Europeans vary from 10 to 20% of the total population. This indicates an increase in the last 10 years the number of obese people, 10-40% of people in Europe, depending on the region. More than 1.1 billion adults worldwide are overweight and 312 million of them are obese. Obesity is one of the causes of the epidemic of type II diabetes in the developing as well as developed countries.

A large number of epidemiological studies have found that body mass index (BMI) is a fairly objective measure of overall obesity and can be used as an indicator of the appearance of type II diabetes in both sexes. Waist circumference (WC) and the ratio of waist-to/thighs (OT /OB) were used as measures of central obesity, which also gave information on the risk of developing diabetes type II.

However, in Lithuania such studies are not recorded. That is why in Kaunas was organized study by random control. The aim was to establish his pattern of type II diabetes in people of both sexes suffering from central obesity. One of the important links between obesity and diabetes is insulin resistance, i.e. reduced ability of insulin to stimulate glucose enters the ...
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