Did Paul Write The Pastorial Epistles?

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Did Paul write the pastorial epistles?


The letters, called "pastoral", are addressed to the employee that Paul had taken with him when he was a teenager just converted and are full of practical advice on how to drive a church and the importance of life and character of an individual. The first letter was written after his release from house arrest in Rome around 62 AD, and the second during his final imprisonment, when he knew he was nearing its end. Timothy was at the head of the church in Ephesus for many years. In Chapter 7 we look at the four letters that Paul wrote while a prisoner in Rome. After spending two years in a Roman prison, Paul was finally released and he was again a free man. Paul could come and go again helping believers, preaching the gospel to the unsaved and starting and strengthening churches. It was during this time of freedom that Paul wrote two letters, Timothy and Titus. Finally, towards the end of his life, he was thrown back in prison in Rome (see 2 Timothy 2:9). This was the second and final imprisonment of Paul in Rome. This might not be released, but would be executed. While Paul was in jail, he sent another letter to Timothy, who now calls the Book of 2 Timothy. In this book we have recorded the last words of Paul. It was the last letter (survivor) that Paul wrote and while writing it, Paul knew that the day of his death approached. All other letters of Paul (except Philemon) were written to churches, but these three letters were written to two men, Timothy and Titus. These two men were pastors, which mean they were leaders in their churches and that as a pastor is to care for their sheep, these men were responsible for caring for the believers in their churches. For this reason these three cards are called "Pastoral Letters" or "Pastoral Epistles" (Ellicott, pp. 11).


These letters contain a wealth of practical advice for pastors and leaders: how to maintain doctrinal purity of the church, instructions on prayer, ideal characteristics for leaders, how to care for the needy, the ministry of women in the church, how to deal sin and resolve conflicts, how to stay pure personally, and how to keep Christ as the center of attention. They are a real practical manual for ministers. By studying them, is like sitting at the feet of the apostle Paul and of age, with extensive experience in pastoral work, and listen to their advice. Remember that Paul was inspired by the Spirit of Christ in composing these messages, so we must honor its words as the Lord Himself. The designation "pastoral epistles" was first used in 1726 by Paul Anton, writing a book on the letters to Timothy and Titus. Some include Philemon in this category, because he is called a "collaborator" (v. 1). However, the purpose of the letter was not to guide Philemon in the work of ministry, ...
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