Dietary Analysis

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Dietary Analysis

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Dietary Analysis


A balanced diet is one that contains all the nutrients needed to achieve optimal nutritional status. A balanced diet or "healthy" is one that allows the individual to maintain an optimal state of health, while allowing you to exercise the various activities involved in every work.

A balanced diet should be based on three standards. The daily-food ration should provide the energy necessary for the proper functioning of the body. It should provide energy and nutrients not adequately cover energy to enable the function of nutrition (Keller, 2008, pp. 11:867). The nutritional intake should be taken in appropriate proportions. Different foods, which are grouped according to their nutritional content characteristic, should be eaten in a certain amount over a week to get a balanced diet.

The adoption of proper eating habits is crucial for the promotion of individual health and to prevent a large number of diseases that are more or less related to food. Therefore, acquiring knowledge about food and nutrient consumption frequency and amounts are appropriate depending on individual circumstances, form the foundation for creating a responsible attitude towards the way you eat (King, 2005, pp.375-78).

Aims of Nutrition

Nutrition education can be defined as part of applied nutrition targeting its resources toward learning, adaptation and acceptance of eating habits in line with scientific knowledge in nutrition, pursuing the ultimate goal of promoting health of individuals and the community.

Among the ways to promote healthy eating include:

Set a good example at home regularly offering a variety of nutritious foods.

Discuss healthy eating and increased the physical activity.

Encouraging children to participate in food-related activities such as planning meals, buying food and cooking.

Talking to children about the promotion and advertising of foodstuffs.

Interested in foods that are eaten or sold in schools and encourage healthy ones are chosen.

Eating together at home, helping to develop healthier eating habits.

Nutrition education involves a combination of the following activities: provision of information, knowledge about the motives of profit that produces certain foods and adopting certain behaviours, attitudes and influences their opinions, helps build personal skills and motivation in adopting healthy dietary practices (Lattimore, 2003, pp. 451-464).

Critical review of a dietary analysis is important to assess its safety and efficacy.Before deciding to use any dietary supplement, one should be aware of certain information about the product, such as how the product works, and what are the adverse effects, if any; any available clinical trials on animal versus human subjects, conducted by reputable, unbiased scientists/authorized institutions using a valid study design and methodology; the confirmation and/or duplication of the result of clinical trials by other reputable scientists; the short-term and long-term safety and efficacy of the product; and the population most likely to benefit from the product. On the other hand, there are also considerable challenges:

Balancing complexity and simplicity: Comparable to other research fields, the scientific background of the obesity problem is complex and requires an in-depth understanding of underlying medical and physiological processes. Many studies focus on only one specific aspect (such ...
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