Distributed Database

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Distributed Database (Using Database to Locate Images in a Computer)

Distributed Database (Using Database to Locate Images in a Computer)

Project Title

Distributed Database (using Distributed Database to locate images in a computer)


Database is an important treatment target in modern computer software system. Distributed database is a combination of database technology and computer network technology. It is a database collection which is distributed on position but logically holistic in computer network. These data has character of distribution, but also has the logical integrity (Eskandari & Mustafa, 2006). Controlled object has a dispersed work right with certain degree, but also achieve collaboration management and control in higher level. Furthermore, with the expansion of work, and more and more extensive areas of the operation, a single centralized office in the past has developed into a multi-point off-site office. Distributed database management systems and improved network technology provide a guarantee for this. Distributed database management system has prominent outstanding features in the data independence, concentration and self-control structure and data redundancy in appropriate level, as well as global data consistency and recoverability (Artail & Safa, 2005).

Besides the requests queues, the whole database is synchronized by the sync module. We enable the usage of any database system in our design, so we do not rely on the fact that the replication is supported by the database system itself (Shuai et al., 2009). If a fault occurs in a locality of a distributed system, it is possible that other localities can continue working. In particular, if the data are repeated in several locations, a transaction that requires a specific image can be found in more than one location. Thus, the failure of a locality does not necessarily mean disabling the distributed database system. The system fails to detect when an area and take steps to recover from failure (Stephens & Yesha, 1995).  Finally, there must be mechanisms to reintegrate the system with minimal complications in distributed database system for locating images on computer.

Aims and Objectives

In a distributed warehouse database system the allocation of images over different computers or nodes of the network is a critical aspect of database design effort. A poor distribution can lead to higher loads and hence higher costs in the nodes or in the communication network, so that the system cannot handle the required set of transactions efficiently.

In distributed database systems, data allocation allocates partitioned data fragments to storage nodes with redundancy to improve the reliability, availability, robustness and performance. The objective of data allocation generally is to minimize the data operation cost or maximize the performance of the database. In most cases, the data allocation problem is an NP-hard problem, which is suitable for heuristic algorithms. The objective of data distribution is to meet the information needs of business organizations having different sites with one or more computer systems connected via some communications network.

Researchers have developed algorithms of Group Local Optimization, Replica Adding, Replica Removing and Profit-Cost Efficiency to solve the data allocation and accessibility ...
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