District Techniques And Children Painful Procedures

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District Techniques and Children Painful Procedures

Table of Contents


Literature Review3

Discussion on Results5




Improved understanding of the children painful procedure in hospital children has led to major changes in nursing strategies to minimize the pain over the past two decades, especially in intensive care units. However, these improvements vary widely across institutions, countries and cultures. Though pain management strategies are largely determined by the clinician(s) caring for sick children, nursing personnel plays a vital supportive role. In most hospital settings, nurses are the first medical personnel approached by admitted patients requiring assistance. In addition, many (painful) procedures in critical care units are routinely performed by nursing staff. In developed countries, training programs have been shown to improve the response of nurses to pain in children. Training programs aware the nurses that how to overcome the children pain procedures in hospital. Number of children has experienced of painful procedure in hospitals. This paper investigate that different strategies which are apply for distraction of children painful procedure in hospital such as: music, funny pictures and story making pictures etc. Now most of hospitals apply distraction techniques which are helpful in distraction of painful procedures. Many hospitals conduct training sessions for nurses that how to distract the children during painful procedures in hospitals.

District Techniques and Children Painful Procedures


This research based on direction used in children painful procedures in hospitals. Number of children has experienced of painful procedure in hospitals. This paper investigate that different strategies which are apply for distraction of children painful procedure in hospital such as: music, funny pictures and story making pictures etc. Now most of hospitals apply distraction techniques which are helpful in distraction of painful procedures. Many hospitals conduct training sessions for nurses that how to distract the children during painful procedures in hospitals.

Literature Review

The domain on knowledge tested the participants' awareness about painful procedure for treatment and diagnosis. The next domain enquired about the individual's perception of the degree of pain experienced by children when subjected to various procedures in the hospital. The fourth and fifth covered the perception of children painful procedures in hospital and sixth domains covered the various practices adopted for assessment and alleviation of pain. The participants could give multiple responses in these three areas. 100 participates were participated in this research.75 participants were Pediatrics nurses and 15 participates were Psychiatrists and 10 were parents' children.

Fear is a negative emotion that is thought to arise as an alarm to a dangerous and/or life threatening situation. Fear in children is common, can represent normative developmental processes, and may be induced by experiences such as separation from parents, a growling dog, or going to school. Medical fears have been identified as a common subcategory of fear in children and, unlike other types of fear, may increase with age. Needle fears appear to be particularly prevalent: many children consider getting a needle to be one of their most feared and painful experiences. Fear can increase pain perception. The bidirectional relationships between children's fear prior to needles and their fear and ...
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