Divorce Affect Children

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Divorce Affect Children

Thesis statement

The breakdown of the parents' relation makes negative impact on children.

What is divorce?

A married couple divorced when the members of the pair decide they cannot live together and do not want to be married. Agree to sign certain papers with legal validity allow them to return to be single and marry other people if they wish (Sandler, 1118).

I feel that my world has collapsed!

If your parents are divorcing or are helping a friend who is in that situation, there are some important things to remember about feelings. First, it is normal to experience a lot of different feelings, like anger, fear and sadness.

Second, even if it seems that your world has collapsed, eventually everything will be fine. Your life may have undergone some minor changes, but all back together again ... perhaps sooner than you think.

Meanwhile, there are ways to deal with the feelings you're experiencing. If you are very angry, you give the pillow punching, kicking, empty boxes, hit a baseball or run full speed all the time to resist. But you should never download your feelings on another person.

While many studies have sought to highlight the psychological, physical or socioeconomic this separation, often contradictory results remain very controversial. To advance the debate, researchers from Stockholm have decided to make a significant contribution: they compared 65 085 children from single parent families 921,257 raised in a "classical" model, based on national registries (safety social taxes, hospital). Their study focused on eight years, from 1991 to 1999. Thus, their goal was not to evaluate the immediate effects of short-term or a divorce, but the long-term impact on the child (Stolberg, 156).

A high risk of mortality

By analyzing statistically a very sharp collected data, scientists have come to the conclusion: single-parent children at a disadvantage. They would thus have a ...
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