Drug Intervention

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Drug Intervention


This is a research report that entails the study related to drug intervention. Drug intervention refers to the timely and systematic action taken by friends and families of the drug addict to rescue his life before a tragedy occurs. This report throws light on the definition of drug addiction and the extent to which drug addiction is spreading and the need to overcome this epidemic. This report also encompasses the necessary measures and factors that should be kept in mind during the intervention process. The report highlights the need for initial drug interventions and provides reasons for the compulsion of such intervention. The report would be concluded in the last.

Table of Contents



Drug Addiction5

Drug Intervention6


Why Intervention7

The intervention process7


Work Cited9

Drug Intervention


Drug intervention is interfering and helping somebody overcome drug addiction. People may become addicted to some drugs. Drug addiction is very harmful as it compels individuals to rely upon drugs to avoid pain. Ultimately they may die due that drug. The question arises, why people take drugs when drug addiction is that much harmful. The answer to this question is that either people are unaware of the drug addiction, or either they are unaware of the consequences of drug addiction.

People may take drugs for various reasons. They might take drugs to cure a disease, or simply for their enjoyment or amusement. Social gathering also plays a role in drug consumption. People tend to take drugs to cure their anxiety, overcome their frustration or treat their stress. Nowadays the trend of drug consumption is increasing. The youth is more attracted towards the trend of drug addiction. The officials are worried about this issue which was once merely an issue that merely pressure groups and political factions would address (Council of Europe, 2005).

Drug addicts avoid treatment as they dislike intervention. They would not accept the offer to overcome their addiction. Jay, et al (2008) argue that it is the strong hold of the drugs inside them that would not let them accept any external help in reducing and eliminating drug addiction.

Drug Addiction

Drug Addiction entails the consumption of drug, the consequences of the drug consumption and the helplessness of the drug addict to overcome this addiction. The factors that are necessary for the term 'drug addiction' are as follows:

Urge to consume drugs with loss of interest and pleasure;

Continue drug consumption in spite of awareness of the unpleasant consequences;

Craze for acquiring the drugs (council of Europe, 2005).

The above conditions of drug addiction imply that a drug addict has a strong urge to acquire and consume the drug, by any means, regardless of the consequences. Though, the drug addict is aware of the consequences that he might face, but still he persists in consumption of that drug. This is due to the strong influence of the drug. The drug intoxicates the victim so much that the victim believes he would not be able to live without it and have to bear the unbearable pain, though the victim is ...
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