Drugs, Alcohol And Mental Health

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Drugs, Alcohol and Mental Health

Drugs, Alcohol and Mental Health


The medicines that are prescribed by a doctor to a patient and those that are used in making soft drinks like some of the substances used in making coca-cola includes legal drugs. There are many risks involved in using drugs. Drugs can be very addictive as it is hard to stop their use once you started using them. The mental health problem makes equal contribution to the use of drugs, especially among young people. Various mental health problems and physical health problems are associated in the use of alcohol and drugs (prescribed and illegal). For instance a person could suffer from stomach and heart issues when using certain drugs given the ingredients in them.

Licit Drug

Benzodiazepines (BZs)

It is a licit drug of prescription drug type.

Its street names include: Benzos, Nerve pills, Downers, Tranks.

It is central nervous system depressant drug i.e. sedative-hypnotic type. BZ works on GABA (gamma-amino butyric acid)which is the major inhibitory neurotransmitter in CNS.

BZ increase efficiency of GABAergic synaptic inhibition.

The development of tolerance in animals has been associated with down-regulation of brain benzodiazepine receptors.

Short term risks to benzodiazepines include drowsiness, impaired judgement, diminished motor skills, sometimes with a significant impact on driving ability, job performance, and personal relationships.

Intoxity can cause breathing problem, respiratory depression, hypersensitive reactions, lethargy, and state of exhaustion. Flumazenil is an antidote to Buzz but not given in case of BZ dependency, seizures, and TCA overdose.

Tricyclics Anti-Depressants (TCAs)

These are licit drugs.

Its street names include, Blue Angels - Blue Birds - Vivactil - Anafranil - Janimine - Tofranil - TCA. 

These drugs block the neither amine transportors known as nor epinephrine and serotonin transportes, NET and SERT, respectively. These transporters terminate amine neurotransmission.

Intoxication- Drug clinical indications include depression, anxiety disorders, obsessive compulsive disease, enuresis and chronic pain. Adverse effects include sedation and sexual disturbances.

Treatment of TCA overdose include general supportive care, IV fluids may be given for hypotension and dopamine or nor epinephrine is added if necessary. Bicarbonate sodium is also given against quinidine like cardiac toxicity.

The antimuscarinic properties of the TCAs may involve many risks. Risks of TCAs might include anxiety, hypotension, weakness, change in weight, increased blood circulation, etc. for pregnant women; the risk of harm of a baby is expected.

The continuation of treatment may develop tolerance to these adverse effects of these drugs. If treatment is initiated, frstly at low doses and than gradually increased than it could be hoped that side effects are troublesome.

Illicit Drug


It is illicit drug.

Opiates are also called Narcotic (include codeine, morphine, heroin, and black tar heroin) it cause drowsiness, relieve pain, and induces euphoria. It acts on opioid receptor in CNS. It is powerful depressant of CNS. It lowers heart rate, respiration and BP.

The most signuificant risk of opiates is the contraction of blood-borne pathogens and grave threat. Essential organs, circulatory system and muscle tissue may be damaged and ...
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