Drugs And Society

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Drugs and Society

Drugs and Society

Civilized society is, currently, defending against the invasion of various diminishing forces. One of these forces, possibly the strongest, is the use of illegal drugs. My strongest 'pet peeve', a personal vexation that I consistently complain about, is the use of drugs, which society, agonizingly, attempts to destroy. There are countless illegal narcotics in the world that can only have a huge, destructive, impact on a civilized society. Theoretically, a civilized society is defined as a society that shows evidence of moral and intellectual advancement; the society is to be humane, ethical, and reasonable. However, illegal drug consumers will be one, of several, perfect adversary to heavily injure a civilized society.

This will be true because prohibited drugs cause the addict to become ignorant and eventually cause harm to others. The consumer begins to damage the society through imprudent behavior. In addition, the consumer, for his own irrational reason, pressures and hassles others to use the dreadful analgesic. The production and use of the drug exponentially grows, occasionally bumping across the law; furthermore, dealing the immense damage to the society. Also, the society continues to deteriorate from the use of illegal drugs because it, usually, ruins the future of the addicts. The injured future of these consumers will ultimately corrupt the future of the society. Civilized society will intensely deteriorate due to the consumption of illegal drugs. The addict becomes heavily unaware and harms others, compels peers to consume the drug and, ultimately, defaces his own future.

The use of illegal drugs will trouble the society due to the ill-advised behaviors of the addict. All drugs can "seriously affect people's judgment and coordination" (Drugs), which is the major cause for addicts to perform, uncontrollable, drastic actions. There is no boundary on the narcotic user's actions; they can, potentially, go as far as killing another human life. The appalling truth is that these addicts make the society extremely insecure for anyone and everyone. A society cannot be considered to be civilized if drug addicts are causing danger in every corner. These drug addicts, commonly, become "paranoid or begin to hallucinate" (Drugs); they are unaware of reality and let their imagination take control. Any actions that the addict performs will, almost, always end up affecting another, usually in the regretful way. The use of prohibited drugs causes the consumer to eventually hurt someone and ultimately deteriorate the civilized society.

The use of drugs will cause the addict to pressure peers to join in the drug use; allowing the population of drug users to grow and impair the society. The illegal drug consumer has plenty of reasons for persuading another, yet the common motive, from personal experience, is to eliminate the guilt of doing something wrong. If the consumer can get a peer to join, he can always rely on the fact that the peer is using the drug too, so it cannot be wrong. Also, by having the peer join the consumer will be able to eradicate his loneliness ...
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