Eating Disorder

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Eating Disorder

Eating Disorders


The eating disorders are characterized by an abnormal perception of its own body-weight, shape, or both. This perception is expressed by an obsessive concern with respect to food and weight, which can lead to risky behavior to health. The clinical eating disorders include anorexia nervosa, bulimia and eating disorders not otherwise specified. Personal factors, behavior and socio-environmental, such as the negative perception of his own body, the under-estimation of oneself, fear of becoming fat, chronic dieting and social pressures to be thin, are risk factors.

According to Western psychiatrists suffer from eating disorders, 4% of women aged 14 to 20 years. In men, such disorders are rare.

There is nothing wrong with that girl watching their weight, if it does not go beyond the norm. But sometimes only slightly overweight, or simply a person with wide cheekbones causes painful to do with "his defect: decreased mood, there is a feeling that others notice this" ugliness "and ridiculed, exchanging meaningful glances. That is, developing dismorfofobichesky syndrome - a painful experience of his "physical disability". Then start searching the most suitable for a way to weight loss, while painful struggle with being overweight can take various forms.

Anya started with the diet and almost died from exhaustion. At age 16 she had a bit of excess weight. One day at a school party a familiar boy refused to invite her to dance, saying that it is thick. Anya took everything seriously and decided to urgently get rid of excess weight. At first, she has excluded from the diet all the high-calorie foods, a restricted number of food and become actively engaged in physical exercises. Then the girl began to skip lunch and then breakfast. She is obsessed with counting calories, severely limiting you. By the summer of her food rations dropped to 300 calories a day and weight deficit was already 20% of the norm, but Anna has continued to struggle with the "completeness". She looked exhausted, the skin was dry with a yellowish tint, lash hair, breaking nails, became swollen joints. However, if friends and parents expressed her regret over her thinness, and offered to see a doctor, she adamantly refused. And only when a strong depletion of it fell into a swoon at the school and received a severe bruises in the fall, was finally called a doctor who immediately put her in hospital with anorexia nervosa.

Kate always wanted to be slim and graceful, and tried to monitor their weight. She invented for themselves the various diets, but respect them she was not under force: at times she felt so hungry that I could not fight it. During this time she ate a lot of pies, cakes, crisps, and then hid in the bathroom and was calling in his vomit to get rid of eaten. She felt that she had found the perfect compromise between my inability to control appetite and the desire to reduce weight. However, after several months with periods of overeating followed by vomiting and she was sore throat, rot your teeth. When opened a stomach ulcer, Kate was forced to see a doctor and told him about his ...
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